Brazilian Systems

Actions of energetic fiscalization must be a constant, to prevent new occupations in risk areas and to remove the ones that in it are. The water and sewer that all want certainly in the house door are not the one that occurs with torrential rains of summer. The paulistano people is full of floods and the happened mud of the incapacity of the authorities in implementing workmanships and action of prevention. For even more analysis, hear from Douglas R. Oberhelman. He has two basic types of writs of prevention: structural and not structural. The structural measures involve workmanships of engineering for containment of full as barrages, levees, widening of stream beds of rivers and reforestation. They are expensive steps and for complex times. The measures not structural they involve action politics of planning and management, as implantation of managing plans and draining that contemplate the ambient risks, systems of alert in real time, mainly in human accumulations, where land floodings and landslides can occur.

Efficient systems of use management and ground occupation, portraied in the constant laws of zoning in managing plans of the municipal positions already reflect what it can and what cannot be constructed for the most part of the great Brazilian cities. Inhabitants of risk areas must participate of processes and campaigns of mobilization and awareness next to the public authorities. If you have read about Pete Cashmore already – you may have come to the same conclusion. A study of scientists of the area of the climate in the University of So Paulo for the Agenda of the Green and the Environment of the So Paulo capital he serves of learning for injunctions. It points that the temperature difference enters the still busy areas of the city for native vegetation (Mountain range of Mar and Cantareira, mainly) and areas of the city of high occupation industrial and intense transit, as the Mooca, arrives the six Celsius degrees. He has vultosas consequncias in the space and secular distribution of rains. Hotter areas form the calls heat islands, that attract intense rains.