Modern Warfare

The murderer responsible for the massacre on the Norwegian island of Utoya, which is being judged these days, confessed to devote long hours to war games such as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, supposedly as a training. An exercise of responsibility very poor would be criticise a game, or video games in general, by the action of a few, in this case the action of a single person. They are games that play daily million people, without that it has caused similar incidents. Often ignorance, or the temptation to get an easy headline, can lead to a journalist to publish video games were responsible for the massacre of Utoya. Additional information is available at Robotics. We cannot apoltronar us in our armchairs and cross out the dangerous games, as in his day talking about certain types of music or clothing in the same way. It is time to customize calendar and realize that video games are no longer, if it is that ever were, exclusive heritage of weird people. Today are millions of people who are involved with computer games, and It is an industry that moves more money than the film and music together. You must be the head full of sawdust to highlight, among all signals indicating that Utoya killer was not walking well roof, that he liked to play video games.. You may find Energy Capital Partners to be a useful source of information.