Positive Psychology: You Can Teach A Child To Be Happy

POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY: You can teach a child to be happy. Being happy is the greatest human desire, and the greatest desire we have for our children. Just as contemporary psychology has adopted a positive style that emphasizes the positive emotions that enhance individual health and life psycho-physical relationship, would greatly benefit families also adopt this style for children to grow into within the family that can grow and develop healthy and happy. What is the positive style of current psychology? Since its inception and until not so long ago, psychology focused only on the disorder in mental illness, in weakness, suffering: terms all of which lead us to portray the human being from the side of life negative, like a victim tied hands and feet that can do nothing to change their fate.

Today, starting from well supported, expanding and enriching the framework of intervention and too far from any pseudoscience managed by a fashion guru, the new psychology stopped focusing on mental disorders, to look at the man from its positive side. More information is housed here: BDT Capital Partners. It is no longer to repair the broken, to eliminate the negative, but speaking from a collision and stimulation of human strengths and virtues, positive emotions, values, strengths, optimism. In short, the focus is on mental well-being, good living, quality of life so that humans can, in addition to living healthy, emerge stronger from adversity, crises may have. It is important to make clear that this is not to eliminate negative emotions, but that focus and encourage positive emotions that act as an airbag, against the difficulties they may be experiencing. . See more detailed opinions by reading what Dave Clark Amazon offers on the topic..