In times of unemployment, there are those who profit from the others need to find work. Appear too tempting job offers to be real., in which the offered job, company or remuneration are very different from reality. Keys to detect traps and escape in time. The broad category of what is false seems to extend its borders almost daily. False warning: calling all ad misleading work at any level.
This may be because the company actually does not exist, because it’s a group of opportunists in search of cheap labor – people looking to be hired is willing to work for free for a while, but that it will never become effective-.Or because the information listed on the notice is partial and tendentious: is offered a position of Sales Executive when what is being sought is a seller to go banging doors that charge for Commission. Or because the promised salary is not real. Or because even some they ask for a sum of money in cash to ensure workplace and the day that must begin the supposed company does not exist. Unfortunately these warnings are growing with the unemployment rate. Very few times deception comes to light through the media. Mostly, the scam remains a bad memory for victims per case.
Thus, covered by the silence and the lack of complaints, the trap follows existing., waiting for new victims. Lo_cual is not only feasible because the fact not transcends but also because: a) nobody monitors the accuracy of the listings, b) nor is there a referent clear (or public body or civil association) where recourse and complain about the facts.Thus, the legal void favors the rise of this new form of deception. When the alms is large while a person seeking work is thus fought their own fate and his own instinct for a labor proposal authenticates one that it is not.The areas most favourable to fraud by misleading notices are advertising, promotions and everything to do with the artistic.Keys to detect these announcement lists few requirements or they are very vague ambition, desire for progress, dynamism and things like that. He claims to be from a major company, but does not contain the name of any company or consultant in charge of the selection. The offered remuneration does not correspond at all with the values of the market. The address given therein is a hotel, or there is only a cell phone number. A particular warning reappears – each both-turning to ask the same people profile. This may mean that, systematically, they hire and dismiss employees. They intend to charge by getting a job, make a book or even a concept of tariff by revised medical. No employer may charge based on nothing because it is illegal. The definition of the profile of the candidate is not specified: that are the requirements, educational level, skills, etc. The size of the warning is important, this means that you invested money and dedication to publish the same. The place of the interview is a small office and a half hidden, where great movement of people is not seen nor nor displayed any responsible. You should speak with those responsible for the building or the merchants of the area, because they are the most they know of companies that operate or not in a particular place, and with that degree of seriousness.