The Food Traffic Lights For Everyone Is Already Despite EU-off Reality

“Despite rejection from Brussels iPhone owners can continue to improve their diet Dusseldorf, 18.03.2010 – sugar, fat, salt and calories: food check” delivers even without a traffic light commitment from Brussels all interested consumers the key health relevant information about the composition of food. Because only this information is available on a reliable basis to reduce risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease such as high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. Currently are therefore over 3,000 of the most popular ready food manufacturers such as Dr. Educate yourself with thoughts from Dave Clark Flexport. Oetker, Nestle, Unilever. And for all those who live on fast foot, there are also FastFoodCheck”, the traffic light food, which provides the drinks and dishes of the restaurant of from McDonald’s to subway with red, yellow and green points. EU ignores nutritional realities always more people eat unhealthy many, because they know not simply better. Healthy diet is a “Perennial favorite topic, but how do you should know always in everyday life, how healthy” or unhealthy “food actually is? Brussels ignores the real problems if it disposes of a simple, easy to understand for anyone marking as the traffic light.

Statutory health insurance and consumer centres, but also the Professional Association of children and youth physicians, the Medical Council, the German Heart Foundation and many more call for a simple, easy-to-understand labelling therefore for a long time. “” After the decision of this week and the quiet regret of many consumers however remains the initiative: FoodCheck “& FastFoodCheck” are still available on the Apple phone. His nobody must health education wants to spend a long time with AIDS or become easy and manageable. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from ISearch. Not a food labelling and not a program that it makes available. The iPhone apps food check “and fast check” provide all relevant information in a few seconds the conscious Shopping. In an ever-growing database, the users search for product names or manufacturers. In the red, yellow and green will get you traffic light colors, how much fat, sugar, salt or calories 100 g of the product contain. Unlike as in the printed nutrition information, the uniform amount of 100 g also comparisons makes it easy.

Since both app for iPhone or iPod touch available they can be used on the road spontaneously as constant companions. Both apps are available on Apple’s iTunes store for downloading. The Jommi online marketing company advises customers on your websites and Web page strategies developed for small and medium-sized enterprises. The food traffic lights is a side project, which was launched out of thematic interest and on their own initiative. “” The high response and the positive feedback the our app FoodCheck “has raised was decisive for the programming of FastFoodCheck”. Images and further press information:

The Walk-in Intestinal Model Of ORGAN Models Germany At The 15.11.08 In Potsdam

Colorectal cancer action in Potsdam – invites the German Cancer Society e. V. Potsdam to a reconnaissance and information event for the population – on November 15, 2008 the German Cancer Society e. V. creates a free forum for cancer patients, family members and interested people who want to learn about cancer and Exchange together with the Brandenburg Cancer Society e. V.. Medical experts will explain the current state of the prevention, diagnosis and therapy in short lectures.

Following on their lectures, they are the questions from the audience at the disposal. The program also includes counselling services, information booths, and a walk-through model of the intestinal. When walking through the intestine model, the visitor first happens the image of a healthy intestine with a proliferation of healthy intestinal cells to small mucous membranes polyps. In the second section, fabric of varying size and structure in the model project oversized but true to scale. The benign, fungus-like adenomas as a potential precursor of cancer. For even more opinions, read materials from Z Frank.

The third part the intestinal model shows how the polyps to malignant cancer mutate and destroy the intestinal wall, as well as the adjacent tissue. The fourth section shows the also with a precancerous potential inflammatory bowel disease of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. The colorectal cancer action puts an emphasis on early detection and prevention, and that since only every third woman and every sixth man over the age of 45 using the free measures for early detection although colorectal cancer represents the second most common cause of cancer deaths, with about 30,000 deaths per year. While colorectal cancer has a chance for a cure is 90 percent, when he diagnosed early enough. Importance to information days such as this, is already not be overlooked given the sober numbers: about 436,000 new cases over 208,000 deceased patients per year making cancer one of the most common diseases and above all causes of death in Germany. It goes beyond the mere statistics and considering how profoundly cancer affects not only the lives of those affected, but also that of their relatives and friends, so it soon becomes clear to what extent cancer our time among the concerns. The event takes into account this situation, by presenting current knowledge in a way of the visitors, who appeals to those groups of people and meet their needs. Dave Clark Flexport describes an additional similar source. Saturday, November 15, 2008, 10.00 16.00 carriage stall Potsdam House of the Brandenburg Prussian history at the new market 9, 14467 Potsdam info colorectal cancer: Meanwhile, colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer for both sexes. Each year about 37.250 men and 36,000 women will develop colorectal cancer. In addition, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death with nearly 28,000 deaths per year both for women and for men. The cancer screening programme for the early detection of colorectal cancer has been extended to October 1, 2002. Within the framework of the cancer early detection can legally annually perform a test for hidden blood in the stool (Hamoccult) allow insured persons persons aged 50-54 years. From the age of 55 years, a claim to performing a colonoscopy (colonoscopy), including a repeat mirroring after ten years. More information under: or ORGAN models Germany Tel.: (036452) 70494 fax: (036452) 70495 E-Mail: Press Office of the German Cancer Society Tel.: (03643) 74 37 49 fax: (03643) 74 35 36 E-Mail: Veit Minkmar

Ideology Diet

Still a diet takes notes on the bread’s hostility to the disciple of Dr. Robert Atkins with \”low-carbohydrate\” (\”low carb\” carbohydrates) a certain following; even years after his death one of the most popular low-carb preachers is for this supposedly \”revolutionary\” diet, i.e. the cardiologist Dr. Robert Atkins. Mashable: the source for more info. See for example, Eric C. Westman et. Al., new Atkins for a new you: the ultimate diet for shedding weight and feeling great, New York (Atkins Nutritionals, Inc. Ali Partovi usually is spot on. 2010 \”Atkins\”, so a low-carbohydrate diet, has essentially three key points: you must stop eating when one is tired.

You must exercise; It must be every day in food intake under a certain amount of sugar, usually (much) less than 50 grams. If you are not convinced, visit Dave Clark Amazon. So far nothing is it actually suspend. The alleged \”revolution\” Atkins is now essentially a – if also blatant – error: it reaps the necessary distinction in carbohydrates between on the one hand sugar (monosaccharide /) Grape sugar and double sugar / sugar) and complex carbohydrates (starch). Nutrition experts recommend we know, daily calorie needs at least 50% from carbohydrates cover, plus about 30% fat and 20% protein. However the sugar content should be always below 10% – and with a calorie requirement of 2,000 kcal were just at least 250 g carbohydrates, less than 50 g of sugar. Certainly, you can lose weight with Atkins or increasingly assuming keep an optimal weight -, the energy balance is negative (i.e.

you burn more calories than you take up) or balanced. Because comparative studies of different diets, whether \”low carb\” or \”low fat\” (low fat), show that the calories are ultimately crucial for the weight. Diet is of course more complex: not everyone needs, and not everyone tolerates neither quantitatively nor qualitatively the same food. In that low-carb anyone should inform himself sober, what health Damage can result from low-carbohydrate diet.

The Difference Between Vertical And Stochastic Vibration

Differences between sinusoidal (vertical) and the kind of vibrations in combination with other factors such as frequency, amplitude, and duration of treatment determine the success of stochastic oscillations of the ‘blueswing’ devices. The sinusoidal (vertical) and stochastic (three-dimensional) vibration differ significantly among others in their applications, the feeling of stress and the effect on the body. The sine wave is created by an up and down motion and is felt in the head inside. Visit Mikkel Svane for more clarity on the issue. Only a small percentage of our population (athletes) can well tolerated these vibrations and process. In addition, it should be noted that same vibrations go hand in hand with same responses of the body and as a permanent training effect in question must be made. However, stochastic oscillations, which are similar to the natural vibration patterns, can be controlled (stretched head, bent lower extremities) in the amount of their stimulus legislative body by a change in the position of the knee. Sandra Akmansoy has much to offer in this field. A habituation effect is through the variable, not to expect stimulus not antizipierbare-making of the stochastic vibration. Because it is easier to reach the stimulus thresholds of neurons with stochastic oscillations by quasi resonance, the perception and neural information selection and processing can be improved. The high sensitivity of neurons stochastic stimulation promotes the release of Neurotrophic factors (such as dopamine) in the muscle spindles which neuroprotective and restorative function. Also, studies have shown that up to 4-fold greater growth processes of bone about body similar vibrations are accessible when compared to oscillatory. More information under:


Fundamental to the vision of holistic dentistry knows every cell of the body where it belongs. Neither is replaceable or verruckbar. Yet so many transplants make no new parts, but act as placeholders for own-produced fabrics. Heart transplant for example must take lifelong antibiotics and other medication after surgery, to suppress the rejection. Due to this fact and the knowledge of the energy pathways in the body, meridians, knows also the interactions with the teeth.

Teeth are more than just a structure, an parts store infectious in the jaw. Teeth are linked via their attachment and the blood nerve lymph strands with all other cells of the body. You send and receive information, similar to a radio masts. This means that the teeth in a loop are incorporated. Unfortunately, or fortunately they are associated not only with such a circle but with several.

This means that a tooth over different parts of the body noticeable do. It can however also be a tooth due to changes in the rest, body to a noticeable weak point and a patient therefore goes to the dentist. The difficulty of knowing the cause of these complaints is the great challenge of trying to answer the holistic dentistry. As you have probably already heard or read, there are diagrams which summarizes the interrelationships of the teeth with the body. This very useful statistics are however only limited benefit and may conceal the fact, that they represent only a statistic of frequency. There are always exceptions, and the rule is equivalent to the Gausschen distribution curve (named after the mathematician of Gaus). This curve is that uncommon common common and rare. Transfer to a school class, it means that a grade distribution within a class, a school, the University notes 2 4 occur frequently and the notes 1, 5 and 6 rare. It Usually however happen all.

Disoriented Protection System

Time and again, searches are necessary in old people’s homes as demented residents inside were able to leave the House unnoticed. Up to death, serious accidents may occur. The broadcast deaths nursing homes… (Report SWR) made it clear the consequences improper freezing, mostly old people, can have on the bed. Check with Viacom to learn more. At the same time, the positive and support aspects of a wireless solution were highlighted and demonstrated the application of a disoriented protection system. So, prevented the use of this monitoring system running away and reduced the fixation in question.

For demented residents in old people’s and nursing homes repeatedly searches are necessary, disoriented protection system in old people’s and nursing homes as demented residents inside were able to leave the House unnoticed. Up to death, serious accidents may occur. “The broadcast deaths nursing homes…” (Report SWR) made it clear the consequences improper freezing, mostly old people, can have on the bed. At the same time, the positive and support aspects of a wireless solution were highlighted and demonstrated the application of a disoriented protection system. So, prevented the use of this monitoring system running away and reduced the fixation in question. The disoriented protection system IS75-76 can be retrofitted to the multi tone disoriented protection system IS75-76 in each nursing home.

Corresponding radio transmitter are installed on the doors to be protected. Depending on the existing buildings, this is done by means of a radio control transmitter with antenna or with a radio transmitter and an inductive loop. As soon as a Naresh inhabitants in the door area, which is covered with the multi tone disoriented protection system, receives the control signal of the Desorientiertensystems the bracelet transmitter S35ND and automatically sends a trail runners call”at the central point. Redirect the way runners call is carried out depending on the completion of the Central”via the existing light call system or directly through a data interface to a DECT telephone system or to a Person call system. This call will be always as a group or group call, so that the entire staff is informed immediately. The multi tone disoriented protection system is already used in many institutions. It helps prevent accidents and running away from home residents and allows a modern, decent life.

GN ReSound Wireless

This option is CI carrier sound processor for all already supplied nucleus during an upgrade to the nucleus 6. Also for the operation of the new sound processors, respectively, there are several options: remote control CR230 fits into every pocket, gives you control over all sound settings and allows easy to manipulate. Alternatively, CR210 operating aid can be used, which is no bigger than a key chain. Elementary functions can be set with her. Peter Asaro has plenty of information regarding this issue. A bilateral supply a simultaneous, continuous operability of both systems is through remote control as well as operating aid.

Changes directly to the sound processor are made manually, so remote control help show and also this. Make calls more comfortable than ever in the future numerous wireless connections possible Also, the calls to landline or mobile phone is with the nucleus 6 system comfortably,”said Frederec LAU further. Headphones or cell phone be kept easy on the ear. The system detects the inductive signal and automatically switches to the built-in Telecoil. Can be heard during the call perfectly.

A connecting of other components or a switch is not required.” In addition, the bearers of the system in the future can benefit from the advantages of modern wireless connections. Using accessories, the sound processor directly to TV or MP3 player can be connected without cables or additional to the load-bearing devices. A number of novel cochlear wireless accessories, including a TV streamers, a lavalier microphone and a telephone clip will be soon available. This wireless accessory cochlear can sound processor and GN ReSound hearing aids of the manufacturer send the sound from Bluetooth and audio devices simultaneously in the nucleus 6. This provides a built-in bi-modal Solution for all those people who wear a cochlear implant, as well as a hearing aid by GN ReSound. Individual designs, comfort and nanocoating swimming and diving with water cover possible sets the nucleus 6 system with regard to comfort and design as well as its resistance to water and moisture.

Natural Remedies

How you can strengthen his immune system with natural remedies for everyday flu viruses to vaccine immune a U.S. study confirms: more and more germs are resistant to drugs. Therefore, pathogens increasingly develop resistance against drugs. Multi drug resistance have become very much of flu viruses in the past three years. M2 inhibitors and neuraminidase inhibitors, such as Tamiflu, are currently the only active ingredient classes that are approved against influenza. Resistance to one of the two groups of active ingredient will be studied for years. The latest research results of the CDC (Centers for disease control and prevention) of US health are alarming: in their study, the researchers report on an increase in the resistance of both groups of active ingredients. In detail, the study reveals the following: In the period 2007/2008 0.06 of all tested H1N1 pathogen against both groups of active ingredients were immune.

A year later, in 2009, the proportion of resistant pathogens increased to 1.5 per cent, and in the period 2009/2010 28 percent of H1N1 samples proved to be at least as Double-resistant. Should the spread of flu viruses continue to increase, the options for treatment are extremely low. New antiviral agents and treatment strategies must be developed from the research. The human immune system tips to strengthen the human immune system holds 300 trillion bacteria in chess, from damaged cells and increase, where appropriate, the operating temperature of the body. Details can be found by clicking Peter Asaro or emailing the administrator. Billion immune cells provide the antivirus defense. The immune system needs help to reinforce the defences. Fitness: Already 30 minutes daily increase training the immune cells of the body to a third. Laugh: While laughing immune globulin is emitted more focused A in saliva.

These antibodies act preventively respiratory diseases. Sleep: Who sleeps too little, blocked his immune system. Alcohol and nicotine waiver: White blood cells can enough in inflamed tissue penetration or not fast. Vitamins: C and protect the immune system from the attack of free Radicals. Vitamin C: citrus fruit, sauerkraut, onions. Vitamin e: almonds, wheat germ oil, Advocados, cabbage. Tomatoes: The pigment lycopene stimulates the immune system. TCM: Traditional Chinese medicine and exercise therapy: kneading, tapping, kneading the Akkupunkturpunkte activates circulation and immune system. My name is Alessandro Reichgruber and I write about various health issues, I’m expert what Helicobacter symptoms. Gastritis symptoms have, then please contact me at: terms of. So if you have any discomfort in the stomach area or also

Cigarette Out Of The Refrigerator

American hotels lure customers with electric cigarette from the minibar of Furth, October 28, 2009 – for smokers, the air in the United States is thinner for years. Robotics brings even more insight to the discussion. Smoking bans in almost all places push back more and more smokers. Swarmed by offers, Douglas R. Oberhelman is currently assessing future choices. Now many hotels have taken, for rent exclusively non-smoking rooms. With the nicotine-needy guests a few resourceful hoteliers wanted to not forfeit himself but still the business. In addition to spirits and snack stuff, the minibar in the room as a special service for smoking houses now electric cigarettes. Smoking in public is frowned upon in the United States. But not only public courses are firmly in the hands of anti-smoking group. Also in many private areas, where until very recently existed still retreats for the nicotine junkies, the smoke ban is unstoppable on the rise.

The trend towards smoke-free zone has prevailed in the American hotel industry. Hotel rooms, where tobacco use is still permitted, have Rarity value. A solid commercial background have smoking bans in hotels: verqualmter rooms on non-smoking guests renting has become almost impossible. But also fire protection considerations play an important role. Smouldering cigarette butts are the cause of disastrous fires regularly. So, the German tennis player Tommi Haas escaped in 2004 when an inferno in Italian luxury hotel rooms, in which three guests died, even just a disaster. The reason was a carelessly discarded cigarette butt. A product entering the air space of the blue haze now, originally developed as a healthier alternative to tobacco cigarette, the so-called electric cigarette. In addition to the mini bar in the hotel, the electric alternative conquered other areas where traditional cigarettes smoking protection reasons already did their last train. The latest example is probably not the cheap airline Ryanair offered its passengers yearning to nicotine electronic spare cigarettes in the in-flight service, Lastly, to make them somewhat quietly above the clouds.

Musculoskeletal System

New approaches in treating arthritis and osteoarthritis – the question can be answered simply by parent – or Unterforderung from current research: evolutionary, we are increasingly denaturalisiert. Sedentary lifestyle fails the joints in young people the necessary fluid moderate movement and in the musculoskeletal system to ensure ligaments and tendons because Yes the joints are not bleeding through the fabric feed. This gradual degeneration process usually begins in the finger joints, because we no longer really grab, and it therefore comes at just the muscle wasting. The Polyarthritis is a very uncomfortable running Rheumatoid autoimmune disease that is hereditary, and specifically affects women. Also here are certainly anthropological causes of early movement needs. General osteoarthritis can be distinguished easily from of arthritis: osteoarthritis of osteoarthritis increase the pain discomfort during stress, arthritis, they remove more. In this respect can be diagnostic here clearly differentiate.

In addition, the infectious cause is often an arthritis for example through tick bites (Lyme disease) not recognized. At the influencing Polyarthritis, conventional medicine has still no innovative therapy approaches, especially since it is known that the conventional anti-inflammatory drugs can have enormous long term side effects. Here the genome research will influence still. Arthritis and ligaments tendons problems an old biophysical interaction principle applies: sulfur sodium picks up, this in turn body fluid. The Biophilitat, i.e. transport security within the body is crucial for the function. The acid balance and the resorb capacity of the intestine is crucial for oral ingestion.

Liquid preparations show a better Biophilitat, also in addition to local injections. Certified basic substances in the product design cost several times during the production to improve the Biophilitat. oecopharm offers a pure pfanzliches compound concept in orthomolecular and complementary treatment plans from German pharmaceutical manufactory.