Medical Clinic

Since 2007, the Government of the State of So Paulo implanted a model of known clinical attendance as IT LOVES (Ambulatory Doctors of Specialties). Intention was to offer units of attendance that had modern equipment, as eletrocardiograma, electro-encefalograma, ergometric test, ray-x, ultrassom, mamografia, ssea densitometria and eletroneuromiografia, and that they could go facilitating and speeding the attendance of hospitals that are overloaded. This bigger rapidity happens IT LOVES because it makes possible that the patients pass, in the same date, for consultations and examinations, being that until the return with the doctor it can happen the same in day. Therefore, to congregate and to integrate all the ambulatoriais consultations, services, examinations and surgeries in an only system of information became essential for the functioning of these ambulatory ones. Joining the pioneirismo in invoicing SUS with the experience in the requirements of the invoicing of accounts, the Wareline, company specialized in development of systems of hospital computerization, it offers to AMEs a tool complete, capable to take care of the specific characteristics of this new modality of service created for the Government of the State. Its system registers all the information in an only handbook of the patient, giving subsidy for the remain of the attendance (guiding for surgery or other forms of treatment). The Wareline system also offers rastreabilidade and generates the cost of each taken care of patient, counts that it must obligatorily be presented the Government before the money view is carried through monthly. Another functionality is that, beyond obtaining to select this cost of each attendance carried through in the unit IT LOVES of it, the system also obtains to evaluate the hospital cost of all the unit. Currently, 26% of the AMEs of the State of So Paulo already use the System of Wareline Information, with prominence for the attendance of the units of Atibaia, Jump and Are Jose of the Black River.

Laptop Repair

Key to successful operation and uninterrupted operation of your laptop – this prevention. To protect it from external influences do not need to invent sophisticated tools – the right care for your laptop, usually simple, but implementation of the recommendations will provide an opportunity to avoid costly repairs laptop. One of the first recommendations of the experts – complete cleaning laptop at least once a year. Spend it, usually in special service center for repair laptops using the entire set of tools. Partially disassembled the notebook, remove the cooling system for cpu, vga, change all the thermal interface, and then with the help of improvised means spend cleaning the keyboard, internal and external housing components, the motherboard from contamination.

To do this, use special blowers, thermal paste, etc. Similar procedure with the necessary skills can be hold their own. Of course, it is necessary to study special literature, and even better to watch artists at work. You may want to visit Ali Partovi to increase your knowledge. Otherwise, it will be possible to bring routine inspection to a full repair. Overheating – is the main reason which can lead to breakage of the laptop. Therefore we must always follow its ventilation ducts and openings. Coverage laptop layer of dust getting into the pile, wool and other stuff – the result of his intense consumption. You can not put the laptop on soft covers, blankets, sofas.

They can be as close vents and openings and cause spills into the notebook, lint, pieces of wool, and other items. Protect your laptop from all kinds of falls and bumps, because it can lead to not a cheap repair. This test can survive now produced "shock" model, but most laptops are not designed to these tests. Nor any foreign objects on a laptop. This also applies to the keyboard, because the remaining pens, pencils and other stationery items at the close of the notebook can damage the matrix, an expensive spare part, used to repair a laptop to replace the matrix.

ABAS Software AG

Summary: over 700 participants gather trends about abas business software Karlsruhe, October 20, 2009 – over 700 participants informed on 24 and 25 September 2009 on the abas customer Forum 2010 about innovations and highlights around the abas business software. The focus of the workshops offered to all functional areas of the software, was always the benefit for the user. 2009: Opportunity and challenge for the middle class In the opening speech of the event showed Werner abas CEO Strub with vivid examples, what potential can be realized in difficult economic times. So, Daimler pushes Linde to the expansion of hydrogen filling stations along with the industrial group. Swarmed by offers, Robotics expert is currently assessing future choices. Background: The fuel cell technology will flow as quickly as possible in the series production of the Stuttgart-based car manufacturer. In boom times, it was not to think of it. Even with regard to the abas business software, the latest version offers a lot to support companies in their development and the implementation of innovations. Who the time now to optimize his business uses, is out of the crisis emerge.

Rapid software development rapid software development through alliances with software vendors from areas adjacent to ERP, the more intensive inclusion of Web services and open source solutions in the system default, the further integration of the abas portal and the use of Java objects takes pace in the development of the abas business software abas CTO Peter Walser. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Moreover, proven solutions are included by the abas software partners and users in the system default. The challenge here is to ensure the outstanding re reading ability and flexibility of the system at any time. High performance workplace the consulting firm Gartner calls enterprise portals in the first place, when it comes to relevant technologies of the software industry in the coming years. Peter Forscht, COO of the ABAS Software AG, can agree wholeheartedly with this statement.