Systemic Family Constellations

The establishment of the family helps to identify problems in the hidden. LAAKIRCHEN – self-sacrifice, alcoholism, aggression, fear close, fear can be the result of entanglements in the family system relationships, etc, of which the persons concerned have no idea. The systemic family constellations is an amazingly simple and fascinating tool to these issues on the ground and to resolve them. What happens when a family constellation session? 6-10 people and an accomplished site manager meet in a protected space. The first stand explains his problem, which he would like to highlight closer. Then it selects the representative of his origin or present family participants (usually grandparents, parents, children, husband/wife etc.). He then placed it in the room. Then the image is”considered.

Who is who turned down or turned off, anyone in the corner or in the Center. “From this in relationship to each other are” appears often, where a malfunction. Each one is of the Installation Manager asked how he feels, how he feels about the place assigned to him. Then follows a process of rolling up and working on up to the cause of the disruption. So is that what until now was hidden inside, the outer space visible, accessible and understandable. It is extremely important that all participants in this often very emotional situation from a professional installation guides are accompanied, protected, and captured.

Then, the elected representatives as a chess board – be converted all get a subjectively good place. Depending on the given circumstances closed with very specific solution sets are honoured there blamed back where it belongs, adopted mother/father, assumed responsibility. The method seems so easy, its effect is so deep and long lasting. The new solution image is internalized by the clients and has medicinal and often stunning impact on disease symptoms, brittle relations, problem children or old mental injuries. A new family portrait, in which love, acceptance and inner peace are felt, can arise now. At a free information evening on Friday, September 26, interested can inquire at 19:30 about the effects of the systemic family constellations with Martin subtitles mountain. Next date for a one-day lineup is October 11, 2008 in the seminar room of Villa Rosental / Laakirchen. More information on the Internet: due to the limited number of participants, a registration is necessary! Contact information: Institut HUEMER GmbH truss for consulting, coaching and health Hanni Sunday Bauer Lindacherstr.

Sand Filter System

Why you should pay attention to a quality filter system. The sand filter system is crucial for the quality of the water of the swimming pool. These must be adequately dimensioned and should circulate in 8 hours approximately 2 x the water. Please pay attention to a sufficient size, a small filter system increases the consumption of water care products. The water is sucked through the skimmer and pumped into the filter, filtered through quartz sand and again headed back into the basin by means of inlet nozzle. The pressure of the pressure gauge on the boiler increases, the filter sand is dirty, the plant should then be cleaned. Simply set valve to backwash, rinse the 6 ways.

Before each actuation of the valve, the system is is off. Cartridge filters is to ensure that the cartridges are regularly cleaned, or replaced. To winterize the sand filter system: first all supply lines to and from the filter system be drained away, there should be no water in the piping system are that can freeze the pump is dismantle and clean the pre-filter and frost-proof, such as in the basement to store if possible the selector valve should be also dismantled and stored according to frost who open drain hole of the filter tank and the water to escape the facility is normally to make if you follow these tips, precludes anything more a pure bathing pleasure in the next year. In our online shop at, you will find a wide range of swimming pool and sauna accessories: counter-current installations, solar collectors, pool robot, high quality swimming pool slides and much more round off the wide supply range. Press contact: pool expert – swimming pool equipment of Andreas Mansfeld Wittelsbachstrasse 45 D-67061 Ludwigshafen phone: 0621-15 20 497 pool expert swimming pool equipment was established in 2005 as a company for the distribution of hot tubs, swimming pools and sauna accessories. The experience accumulated over the years from the swimming pool and sauna area are now many customers from home and abroad. See and for interested Internet users a wide range of swimming pool, sauna and Jacuzzi

New Content Management System

News from the development wrought by 4ineins for over 10 years is the multimedia & promotion GmbH constantly in the headlines of the relevant trade media. Why does the latest development. The keyword is: content management, what was previously only large enterprises through high investment possible, 4ineins is now possible to step by step through highly effective modules. Ranging from perfect user management via a to transactional, customizable HTML and plain-text newsletters and news section, to a completely new video management. Everything is available, if it is required. As always, products go in at 4ineins always, if you have the features in addition to long and hard tests, out of the House the market often ask “how?”. Blu-ray and co. Beware! EMS users now as optional have videos easily via Internet and that stream in impressive quality, without interruption or delays about the possibility of high-definition.

A technological feature that not only clean makes the film industry and Rechteauswerter. After the death of HD-DVD, these had to rely namely forcibly medium Blu-ray on the order to bring content into the market. What that means now widely known. High costs for Blu-ray standard and inevitable royalties within the framework of the implementation of the Blu-ray pressing. High-definition is also high in the favour of consumers, but the sword of technical requirements faced again the pleasure once. New players, monitors, and and and.

It must be this, 4ineins was demonstrated again in an impressive manner. 4ineins has published several high-definition DEMOSTREAMS on its Web site. Let be surprised how easy it is to ensure more entrepreneurial attention and presence in the set. But the kicker is that not only the global player can afford EMS. EMS is structured so that it both in small, medium or large companies can be used. Fair play on the market! For more Information on the EMS modules are available on the websites of 4ineins available in german and English. State-of-the-art.. and again 4ineins for more information directly over… 4ineins multimedia & promotion Partner GmbH author: Dirk Rabis film monopoly international film market