Round logs at present is probably the most widely popular material for construction of wooden houses. Manufacturing technology of this kind of timber was taken from Western Builders. Cylindering, in essence, means giving a log of the same diameter throughout its length. And now the construction of wooden houses of this material is conquering the market as well as saving time and facilities for by eliminating some labor-intensive operations. There are two basic methods cylindering. In the first method a log mill on the four sides along the grain, the second – also a mill, but across the fiber. Timber treated by the first method, provides a complex profile of round logs, and surface quality is much higher.
In addition, a complex profile leads to the walls of the house almost impervious to wind, because it provides a snug fit logs together, it’s hard to do stuff with a simple cylindrical shape. Once the carpenters set with only log axes, and when it started implementing various kinds of saws, they often refuse to work them. But this was not the result of inertia of thinking, this is the centuries-old experience in rejecting such an innovation. The ax blade, hitting a tree crushes chopped wood fibers as it clogging pores, while drinking razlohmachivaet fibers. This little historical digression indirectly helps to understand the advantage of the first method and, therefore, lacks second. In processing the logs by the first method is less damaged wood cutter, so this round logs valued higher. Round logs produced on the machines of two types – pivot and broaching.
Both type equipped with rotating cutting heads. The name of the second type of machines speak for themselves: the log is pulled through the head, which rotates, but remains stationary relative to the machine. This treatment log acquires a cylindrical shape, but retains the original curvature. Central machine is different from broaching the fact that the beam remains stationary, and the head, rotating, moving along it. Thus there is a sample curvature, and beam acquires an almost perfect form. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these two modes of production? Make another excursion into the past few days. In ancient times, the logs into planks They gave forth not by the drink, but with using pegs. Hack log in nadrub inserted a peg on which the mallet hit, and then inserted into the next … and so on. Thus, it dismissed the log along the grain. Do not be surprised by this retreat, then you will understand what is at stake. Round logs, resulting in the machine tool with a long, has a smaller damage wood, because the cutting edge is almost exactly parallel to the grain – almost as well as in the dissolution of the logs on the old technology. But when building a house residual curvature creates considerable difficulties – is harder to fit the log right next to another. Timber, rounded to the central machine, receives more damage, as cutting in some places it is at an angle to the direction of the natural wood fibers. But when building a house of such logs are clearly seen its benefits – it practically does not need to fit that allows you to put more dense and solid wall of the building.