Twice the height of risers and width b tread a must be equal to the average person step – 2b + a = 57-64 cm is sometimes used by more than a simple calculation, the amount by which the size of the width of the treads and risers of height c must be equal to 45 cm (30 +15, 27 +18, 25 +20), ie c = a + b = 45-46 cm stairs with his hands, made on such a calculation is considered the most secure, and the formula, of course, by security. Many are so-called formula of facilities, ab = 12 cm in practice to sustain this relationship in the real world is not always possible. But we should at least strive for perfection. Let's count? To select the width Tread use an example. When descending the stairs adult puts his foot so that the toe hangs over the rounded front part of the tread. If the overhang is small, the level considered safe and what is level, the higher the risk of slipping off her. In practice, it is clear that the width of the tread are best taken within 28-30 cm, but not menee25.
The height of the risers to make better ot14 to 17 cm but not exceeding 20 cm If you do not allow for the size in terms of increase the width of the stage, deceive the situation – set-depth risers, ie increase the overhang above the stair risers. In some cases you can do without risers. The open space under the stairs, and in this case would not be necessary in a flight of stairs from the bottom sheet set. Contact information is here: Pete Cashmore. Although, in this version will trim level and still below (sanding, painting). In stairways with zabezhnymi steps in turning part for convenience Use and safety of her step width in the middle of the march should be equal to the width of the straight steps.