Dry construction forum presents information center Taylor dry building forum, the Internet portal for the drywall industry under the motto with Steven effectively on the Web “its new information and communication system introducing. The innovative information system enables a playfully light management and updating of data and its exchange with other users. With Steven, it is possible to intervene actively in the dry construction forum, to use the news-ticker system and thus independently and promptly disseminate product and company communications within the dry construction industry registered participants register itself to Word. Relevant industry and company-specific events can be entered as well. Link entries in the dry construction forum with Taylor can be published with your own site in addition on the own website without annoying ads and additional installations. Thus, the user saves the rekeying of information on various Internet pages and time and effort. In addition, he is on Trockenbauforum.de Cross reference to the respective home page of the forum participant. The dry construction forum with the Web Info Center Taylor is one decisive step ahead search engine optimization also in terms of search engine optimization.
So, read the latest news in a very short time by leading search engines and gain voderste places in the ranking. Uwe Dallmann, initiator and operator of the dry construction forum, commented on the launch: the introduction by Steven we have made an important step, to make a uniform, neutral and independent information platform specially for the drywall. Providers and customers find each other on the Internet easier and to better locate suitable products and services.” To the person by Uwe Dallmann, Uwe Dallmann, founder and operator of the dry construction forum, is over 16 years in the dry construction industry. After his apprenticeship as an electrician and a master degree, he took over the cable of the electric workshop of the Department of automation technology in the Meissner Institute of refractory industry. Through the Establishment of a dry construction Department of a large specialty building materials retailers he could purchase very good knowledge of the market specifically in the area of the dry Interior. He also has excellent links to specialist companies, manufacturers, and suppliers.