System Training

The factor experience, in the context of training on the new system of protocol, effected in more than sixty agencies of the state of Par, stimulated me the creation of this article dissertando on the importance of the Sector of Documentation for the Public Administration of the State of Par using as focus, the sector of protocol of the Prodepa. Initially I will explanarei on the Prodepa, Company of Data processing of the State of Par, established in 1953, and that it contributes so that the Government of Par, through the technology, of the information and the telecommunications, it can still more take care of efficiently the necessities of the citizen. The PRODEPA makes the management and protection of the public information of the Government of Par, searching a model of administration based on solutions integrated in public computer science, having as main focus the customer-citizen. It is therefore, the company of Technology of the Information and Comunicao (TIC) of the Government of the State of Par. In recent months, technology investor has been very successful. It acts with the objective to promote the social inclusion through the digital inclusion, benefiting directly the citizen. Its main objective is to give technology services to the agencies of the state administration, providing to support technician who makes possible the implantation of action of citizenship, enters the diverse areas of the society, as education, health and public security. How historical of this company, in the date of 3 of April of 1965, it was called as Department of Data processing? DEPRO, through Law 3,292/65, and soon later, in Data processing center? CDP, through Law 4583/75, in day 24 of September of 1975. The constitution of the Company of Data processing of the State of Par, occurred in 1983, through Decree 2886/83 and Law 5460/88, transformed the denomination of the PRODEPA of autarchy for public company..