Capitalist System

The Capitalism had its point of higher ascension in the end of century XIX and beginning of century XX; where this new position of the politics capitalist gave to a new and signifacitivo route the life of the world-wide workers, nailing a speech of that from that new matrix the wage-earners would have freedom to vender its force of work. It did not need much time all to understand that this speech did not pass of utopian and deceptive words, since the measure that the capital fixed the price to be paid, so emphasized freedom showed limited and less next to the workers, constituting one of them wilder pillars of the capitalist world: Domination and exploration of the man power. (slavery for that they had been so fascinated with the recent structure of work). its consolidation represented a landmark stops of the beginning to the moment of maximum dither of the work, creating a representative atmosphere of the deity of the work for the humanity; these elements alone exhaustingly had been revenciados because the myth was nailed very of that this activity needed to be spread out and accepted socially. Learn more at this site: Viacom. Ones of the periods most promising of the Capitalist System had been during the Great Wars; U.S.A. ahead sobressaiu of the too much economies of the world, explicitando its superiority in such a way obtained allies in the New how much in the Old World. Comode custom had an opponent to this exarcebada North American ambition, the Soviet Union (group of small European countries), that it started to constitute the representative of the socialist model, disputing in such a way the rank of better economic model next to great American nation, this if later gave in relation the territory and the space ones. The structural, technological and economic changes that had marked this new world-wide order had been endorsed in some sufficiently peculiar characteristics, amongst these are: the globalization of the economy, the transnationalization of the structures of being able and the reetruturao of the work.