Solar System

So it is the speech of the scorn, of the irrespeto to the intelligence of the others, cynically without mattering to them that to the victim one of the greatest evidences of the Solar System does not hide to him: that they are, the USA, their leadership that not their town, the organization that cultivates more Earth hatreds. Once (Cold War) it was the fight against the Comunism and the anti-semitism his cynical flag battle, his policy of abusive and invading State, his contemptuous speech hunt-stupid and of the intelligence of the towns. Today they are the terrorism, the drug trafficking and militarism, the new discursivas tools of dominion, the new way of decirte that concerns a gore to them which you think or you are, for the sake of dominating and penetrarte to pisotear your foundations: your history, your national values, your sense of property, your psique collective; and for the sake of implementing they, finally, its hegemony. Learn more at: Dell Inc.. The new way of despreciarte in your historical being them to found on your bones a new colony. Another thing does not do when with impudence can accuse the entire world of militarism, and are they who sell 75% of the arms that take place in the world, and have a military budget and of defense superior to the sum of the military budgets of the world. What can matter to him who it accuses when it to develop or to buy armament and threatens invading it? Carajo. What of history, names, intelligence, nationality, can matter in you if each of such things is for them a problem, a nationalistic stupidity to solve, or, rather, one nadera to annihilate? Where it is the logic, intelligence, the statistic, that can possibly be invoked to arouse justice? As what it serves to know that you are right if to the end you will also die bombed? No it is the reason to the service of the life, could, for the case, to sentence the philosopher.