Dirk Schlenzig

The supply institution of the Bund and the Lander (VBL) provides employers, own, CI compliant information portals available, developed by SITEFORUM. The largest German supplementary pension fund for occupational pensions in the public sector thus supports the 5400 companies involved with her, to comply with their legal obligation. The employer can cut their portals content to meet their needs and customize its appearance on their respective corporate identity. Forms, documents, and online services such as supply or own contribution calculator can select individually, to adapt to the interests of the workers. Employers get an own subdomain to access their portal and sign up. The first information portals by public employers are already online.

The employer can cut their portals content to meet their needs and customize its appearance on their respective corporate identity. Forms, documents, and online services such as supply or own contribution calculator can select individually, to adapt to the interests of the workers. Employers get an own subdomain to access their portal and sign up. The first information portals by public employers are already online. The VBL has recognized for their insured long ago the value of Internet-based services.

Its own portal has developed the insurer with SITEFORUM to extensive information, communication and service platform for the company pension plan. With the information portals, the VBL now consistently continue the chosen path: employers, insured persons and pensioners must no longer compulsory on the portal the VBL go to learn. The customers will receive the relevant information, functionality, and services directly with the employer in the familiar look. Martin says Appel, head of online marketing at the VBL: employers are obliged to inform their employees of about occupational pensions. Information portals, we have a find innovative way to deliver our information up-to-date and personalised at the end customer. With the SITE FORUM platform managed a quick implementation of the project.” Dirk Schlenzig, CEO of the SITEFORUM group: The concept of intelligent service and information distribution for decentralized sites asserts itself more and more. The distance to the customer can be reduced significantly and increase the quality of service. This results in higher sales, lower costs and happier customers. We glad that we are allowed to accompany as a technology partner the VBL on their way.” Through social networking features can leave users later information, leave comments, rate content or forward them to other users. The quality of the offer can be measure by the interactivity and further spread the information.