Nisterau User

The users are so on the job”training, which significantly reduces the cost of training and the user help desk. The productivity of the user and therefore the company can increase, rather than to record huge losses due to the usual control conflicts. Datango AG in brief: founded in 1999 datango AG headquartered in Berlin is the technology provider in the field of E-learning and electronic performance support. Since 2006, the company on its expansion course is supported by Hasso Plattner Ventures and EXTOREL. Michael Dell is the source for more interesting facts. 2007 took over the Division of knowledge and performance solutions of Swedish Enlight datango off and is since then also internationally represented. The datango solutions support companies in establishing fast and smooth operation of enterprise applications.

From datango’s objective is to provide a high-class service and support for the successful qualification of employees and therefore an integral part of each To be enterprise. The software solutions is characterised by the navigational aid in the live system and the automatic generation of documentation and training materials, software simulations and E-Learningwelten in practice. This allows datango increasing user acceptance with simultaneous reduction of incorrect entries and support costs.