
Want to look younger than tomorrow? Youthful appearance that is usually associated with healthy and attractive. But why do we age? What are the basic components that our bodies need to function? The enzymes, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, protein, essential fats and fiber. All these are provided by the food we age because our bodies are exhausted and don ‘ t which give you the fuel you need. Now here is a very easy to revert that today way and begins to see and feel the results immediately: start eating raw foods! Simple and easy. Our bodies age, because we only have a reservation of certain enzymes.

We are all born with enzymes, but our group of enzymes is exhaustible. Once these are gone, the body starts to age. Fresh, raw, living foods are accompanied by many enzymes. And we have enzymes to digest food, transform and store energy, produce hormones and help our immune system. These enzymes are destroyed to cook food. More information is housed here: Robert Bakish. So that the body receives the nutrients which are foods that have to use their own enzymes. So in public place or conservation of our youth and caca enzyme. That is why, when we eat cooked foods we use enzymes that we have available at a given time of life.

Now I do not say it what you have to eat only raw foods. Just easily incorporated one, two raw and fresh items in its diet. To make these choices leave something else out effortlessly. And you’re one step closer to looking younger tomorrow. How much more fresh, raw foods, living choice, better you will feel and see. Why is that? When the food is cooked, many vitamins and minerals are destroyed. And we need to cooperate with vitamins minerals. Phytonutrients are fruits and vegetables and provide crucial drugs to cellular health. And once again, phytonutrients may be destroyed by cooking. It therefore makes sense: when cooking destroys nutrients vital and essential that you need to stay healthy, eat our raw food does the opposite. It gives us what we need for our health and well-being. You can experience more energy, mental concentration and the general welfare with rawfood. Why not give him a chance. If you want to know more about a lifestyle with more vitality can go to Megumi is author, instructor and coach and has helped many to lead a happy and healthy life by integrating more power with life in their day to day. Megumi Saananda is internationally recognized for his work as coach, through its virtual presence in, his books and workshops to inspire many to enjoy a lifestyle with more health, beauty and well-being.