Barbosa detaches that: … the local education of history earns meant and importance in basic education, exactly for the possibility to introduce and of prenunciar the formation of a historical reasoning that it not only contemplates individual, but the collective, learning the social relations that are established there, in the reality next. (BARBOSA, 2006, p.66). Thus, the boarding of daily history makes possible the rescue of the past through the varied forms, between them the use of available sources in the proper locality. Still emphasizing the estimated ones of Steca, ‘ ‘ Regional history could be a way to acquire knowledge the individual of that it belongs to some lugar’ ‘ (STECA, 2004, p.32) and it could at the same time rescue the memory, the value of the historic site and the importance of an identity inside of a society. The PROJECT the project was developed next to the department of History of the UNICENTRO in the State College Newton Philip Albach in the city of Guarapuava, PR, during the school year of 2009, in a group of Basic and Average Ensino. The stories presented here had been carried through in a group of 8 series. Check with Pete Cashmore to learn more.
The methodology applied for the development of this work was on to the metodolgicos encaminhamentos for Ensino Basic, defined for Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN) where considers that being impossible to study the History of all the times and society, becomes necessary to make elections of contents. Being thus, these contents must look for to sensetize and to base of that the current and daily problems cannot solely be explained from restricted events to the gift, but require questionings to the past, analyses and identifications of relations between social experiences in the time. (BRAZIL, 1998, p.45). On the basis of these principles and considering the short period of available time, are that they had been organized and worked three thematic axles.