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Buying a fur coat in a chic salon, you will automatically pay the huge overhead chosen institution (rent, salaries, etc.) for the entire year. And it's not a lot not a little make up 20-25% of the total cost. Market – can not comment, except that in place of wholesale trade. The intensity of trade reduces the likelihood that the coat poke back and forth for a long time. Online Shop fur.

If Shop works directly with the manufacturer of the best variant is not found. Choosing a model for the electronic catalog. Ability to work under the order. Secondly, we must be clear about where you'll mostly wear a fur coat. If you driving a car, it's a good idea to take a short coat or jacket from the short-haired furs (mink, otter, etc.), if you regularly have to walk in winter with a baby in a stroller – it is better to take a long and warm shubu.Chto better – coat 'in dissolution' or a coat stitched together from the whole plate? It applies dialectic! If the membrane is thick, like a beaver, nutria, raccoon – it is better to dissolve. Then coat better than 'sit' and not worth the stake.

If the membrane is thin, such as a mink, a coat of dissolution can slim fat women. Although it depends on the specific model coats, its length, color, etc. And, of course, pay attention to the quality of fur and its manufacture, as we have already spoken. Should I buy coats dyeing of fur? Here we must distinguish, for which the manufacturer of colored fur. Appointments can be different colors. If you hide the defects of his furs and tanning (and this is usually used dark colors), this unacceptable. On the other hand, through. unattractiveness of natural-colored fur, such as in the wild nutria, staining is almost always the case. It should be noted, and trends. Now fur colors expands, often used fur shading or coloring it in one or more colors. Given the high level of modern technology and high quality dyes, the effect of this treatment, a significant mechanism for not affected. So if you like a coat of bright red or violet blue fox mink – so forth and nothing does not deny. What to choose – or sheepskin coat? Rhetorical question, but it has a right to exist. Objectively speaking, a fur coat – something more practical. She is not afraid of rain, mud, and, most importantly, the fashion for fur coats more conservative. In a fur coat, bought today, and after five years you'll look unbeatable. Source: