
In accordance with the Statute, fits to the State to assure the integral attention to the health of the aged one for intermediary of the Only System of Health – SUS. But ' ' integral attention to sade' ' promised for the Statute it is a bigger and more complex process of what the deficient attendance currently given by the SUS. The SUS is inoperative and inefficient ahead of the Statute: rights are disrespected; it lacks domiciliary attendance; they lack resources and medicines, lack to physical installations and adjusted equipment, etc. Are necessary to speed up the creation of the units of reference for regions, with teams specialized for attendance of quality to the aged one and with prominence to the humanizao of the health services. These units also would have to be open to the aged groups of also developing cultural, social activities and others. In relation the what concerns the leisure, to the culture and the sport, in the great cities, in general, respects the right to the ingression with discounting and already it has a market of tourism, spectacles and other activities located for the aged ones. But she is necessary to detach that the majority, living with the sparing resources of its retirements and pensions, does not have access to most of these activities. The campaigns of vaccination of aged, in all Brazil, must according to be programmed climatic cycle of each region.

It is necessary to fulfill, of simple form and desburocratizada, made use in 15 Art. 2 of the Statute, that determines the gratuitous medicine supply, especially of use continued, necessary prteses, rteses and other resources to the treatment, qualification and whitewashing. It is basic to make to be valid the made use one in the Art. 15, 2, that prohibition the discrimination of the aged one in the plans of health through ' ' collection of values differentiated in reason of idade' ' , that, however, exactly being law, it is disrespected by the health companies immediate.