As it affirms Pontuschka, Paganelli and Cacete (2007 P. 59): ' ' Ahead of the technological Advance and the enormous gamma of information disponibilizadas for the media and the computer networks, it is basic to know to process and to analyze these data. The school, in this context, fulfills to important paper when assuming itself of some modalities of languages as communication instruments, promoting a process of decoding, analysis and interpretation of the information and developing the capacity of the pupil to assimilate the technological changes that, among others aspects, also imply new forms of aprender' '. During much time the positivismo kept the verbal transmission and writing as pillars of sustentation of the knowledge production being the use of images the edge of the education process learning, being that in the context of transmission and reception of knowledge this language did not take care of to the interests of who managed the ways educational. Thus resumes and books didactic were elaborated to promote the ideological and economic interests of the ruling class. In the last few decades, an modification in these parameters of education has been observed, whose motivation meets, mainly, in the advent of new medias that if had inserted actively in the daily one of the modern society, implying in a not only mannering change, but of action as a whole. mes Dondero follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. One of these actions meets in the insertion of these new technologies in the classrooms. In this manner the pertaining to school space does not have to abstain from this process, a time that the pupils already are inserted in its majority in a technological environment where many are the attractive ones they make that them exactly that is not of systemize form to acquire knowledge. Thus it must be used of critical form the images, after all, are the forms oldest of the man to represent what it thinks and what feels.