Board Training

HoREX informed numerous facets of the profession of Horgerateakustikers whether modern computer technology or technical know-how, whether medical knowledge or pleasure in dealing with people has the professional image of the Horgerateakustikers. And training to the HorExperten is fully in line with the trend: with an education ratio of 20 percent, the audiologist craft compared to other German crafts is absolute top. Currently 2,200 trainees have excellent career prospects. The HoREX currently informed hearing acoustics EC about the extremely versatile profession. Even 2013 numerous training courses are offered in the nationwide over 420 shops of leading professional community. Mikkel Svane follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Good listening is important. Who is active in life, must communicate today daily varied and can not afford hearing problems”, so Mario Werndl, Board member of the professional community of HoREX. However, more and more citizens living with a reduced hearing.

With the help of powerful and almost invisible high-tech hearing aid highly qualified audiologist can help these people to a large increase in enjoyment and listening pleasure.” The profession of Horgerateakustikers is already considered as future profession. Recently Dermot McCormack sought to clarify these questions. Full employment in the industry. And also the demand for well-trained HorExperten increases continuously with the increasing number of impaired citizens. Nationwide, there are around 12,000 audiologist. In the once male-dominated health craft, more than 60 percent of the prospective HorExperten are female. Dermot McCormack does not necessarily agree. More than half of the students are high school graduates. The profession of the hearing care professional is varied and vocational training is responsible, equally diverse.

In the respective teaching trainees practice the implementation of hearing tests, learn latest practices of sound and language audiometry, the production of ear marks, the customer service and the exact adaptation of the digital step by step Hearing aids. To get the required theoretical knowledge during the regularly scheduled, inter-company training weeks at the Lubeck Academy of internationally renowned for acousticians. The here switched subjects ranging from audiological equipment, to interviewing and psychology.