Capitalist System

Already having in mind one I begin evolutivo of the society politics, social and economic, if it has conscience that diverse systems had been surpassed throughout the time, such as the escravagismo, feudalismo and the mercantilism. All these systems had had a validity in the past where they had been of course having an overcoming throughout the time, which had to a process of awareness, and a technological advance of the humanity of the time, with all this transcorrer historical that the capitalism appeared, that is, system that congregates the prederencia of the capital on the man, therefore the global productivity grew rapidamante of what you scheme when them they were inefficient, had to the profits of scale in the production process. When if it speaks of capitalism, it can be expressed with respect to the economic system that comes being many times investigated on an important aspect that it is the economy and the society. Underdeveloped countries, if worry about its growth only, always exploring more and if having more profits for itself exactly, already developing countries are not had much growth, why it has that one exports its products to these countries in low price and a high price to buy itself in its generated place. A society economy to be lucrative, has that to change the man power of the man for you scheme highly more lucrative, generating more profits for these countries, exploration of countries lower than they are in development, taking off of them its substances rich cousins and satisfying only its wills of growth, for who is rich does not think about poor person, yes in having more wealth proper itself.