Brazil is 6 country of the world in the market of Cellular Telephones, according to ANATEL, research in January of 2011 discloses the existence of more cellular than inhabitants in the Country. Brazil alone is behind China, U.S.A., Japan, Russia and India. They are about 200 million active mobile devices, of the existing total, the smashing majority are PR-PAGOS, 82.34%, surpassing of far the After-paid ones, 17.66%. – Without a doubt some, the great majority of the population (favored Classrooms less) uses Daily pay-pays for economic questions (it does not take in account the high costs of this Modality of the telephony in Brazil, most expensive of the world), induced for a false impression, it believes to control the expenses, and thus, to save, visa the easiness to place Credits from time to time. Few use Daily pay-pay simply for comfort (privileged Classrooms), in the direction to prevent, for example, banking payments of Monthly Accounts, bureaucratic Contracts that, porventura, could become problematic future, and etc In the truth Conta of Daily pay-I pay leaves much more Expensive that of the Cellular one with payment of regular Monthly Accounts (After-paid), considering that the paid Price per Minute is up to 4 times bigger. The study of the Minister of Justice, at the beginning of 2010, in the attempt of a possible intervention for the INVALIDATION OF the STATED PERIODS of the Credits taxes for the Operators (Rendering of the service generally foreign), and of full assent of the ANATEL, it failed. Much even so, the such Minister, at the time, has admitted that, while had Credits in Daily pay-pays, INDEPENDENTLY OF WHEN THEY HAD BEEN INSERTED, the Operators did not have the right to block them, and also divulged wide to intend to knock down to such practical through LAW, as she was of if to wait, DID NOT GIVE IN NOTHING. .