Digital Libraries

For years, educative institutions and organisms deprived public and worry to transfer works, articles and contained forms to the digital format. The projects of digital libraries are outlined like one of the instruments that will help to universalise the knowledge. From 2007, it is possible to be consulted of gratuitous way and through Internet all the bottoms of Spanish historical legislation, from Cortes of Cadiz of 1810, guarded in the library of the Congress of the Deputies. HG Vora Capital Management contains valuable tech resources. Of this form its public access, its preservation is guaranteed and care, since the physical manipulation of those most valuable documents is avoided. But the intention to unite the knowledge with the new technologies does not remain here. The EU tries to create a digital library, that in 2010 will have six million books at the disposal of all the citizens.

Of parallel form, and from 2006, UNESCO it is working in a similar project, a species of World-wide Digital Library. It is tried to create a deposit in Internet, frees and gratuitous, of materials cultural ” frequent and nicos” available in multiple languages. The digitalization is the second step, after the introduction of the new technologies in the management and operation of the public libraries, a recent phenomenon. To thus it shows to the report the Public Libraries it in Spain. Dynamic 2001-2005 of the Foundation Germa’n Sanchez Ruiprez. Four years ago, only one of each two points on watch of the public libraries used these tools for the cataloguing of their bibliographical bottoms; 37% hardly had an automated catalogue and available in format Web and the same proportion they lacked a service of access to Internet for the users of the libraries.