Early Childhood Affecting Health Adult

According to a new study, however, there are specific features of childhood that can cause positive or negative emotions that end up having an influence on biological responses and behavior of a person to stress. These features can determine whether children will become healthy adults when grow or not. To know more about this subject visit FinnLOL. Personality traits and how influence later health study observed 569 individuals who were between seven and thirty and a few years of age. The investigators tried to discover if some personality traits have an influence on later health. Based on the results, it was observed that children who remained focused on a task and had fewer negative reactions to situations when they were 7 years old had better health in general, with less disease, three decades later. ting facts. Swarmed by offers, Abu Dhabi is currently assessing future choices. Children from 7 years of age were qualified by observers trained in 15 behaviors, with each behavior taking 3 personality attributes: attention, predisposition to anxiety and inhibition of behaviour (tendency to shyness, withdrawn behavior, and difficulties in communication).

In order to determine their health in adulthood, the subjects were instructed to qualify your health status and indicate if you had the following conditions: arthritis, asthma, digestive bleeding ulcer, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hepatitis, accidents vascular brain, or tuberculosis. The researchers found that higher attention capacity and a positive attitude during childhood had the greatest effect on health in the future for all participants. One interesting finding is that the effects seem to be higher for women, which suggests that women tend to be more sensitive to interactions between behavior, biology, and emotion. This indicates that women seem to have increased susceptibility to certain health risks, including heart disease. In terms of ethnic origin or race, there were no differences in the effects. Of 569 people who participated in the study, 76% reported that they were in a good state of health or with an excellent health while 18% reported having diseases. The researchers also found that this longitudinal study gave more evidence that emotions and behavior that are usually linked to certain temperaments have a crucial role in long-term health. The good news is that the characteristics during early childhood can be molded and guided by family, peers, and social interactions. Interventions should focus on modifying certain responses and behaviors that often accompany certain traits, the goal being the prevention of some diseases.