Another event related to Microsoft: in part due to information leaks, and partly from the comments of the first persons Microsoft become more or less clear what will happen under the guise of Windows 7. Despite the similarity of the interface desperate "Seven" and Vista, Microsoft insists on absolute authenticity first. Well, soon we will be able to do and check everything: a full-featured release a beta version planned for the beginning of the year. 12. Tough times call for desperate measures to survive.
Following this statement, it is easy to understand why AMD split into two companies and took 6 billion from the Arab nvestitsionnoy company. At AMD, susceptibility to separation enthusiasm of Intel – in amazement. But who cares if AMD will continue to make cheap processors and graphics cards? 13. One of the biggest events of the mobile world – out running Google Android. And with it the first "androidfona T-Mobile G1. To celebrate, Google announced its intention to sell the remainder of 2008 1 million smartphones.
In addition, each employee received for the New Year at his G1. I wonder whether considered "intra" communicators in statotchetah company in 2008? 14. Spore and Left 4 Dead – the main igrohity the last year, will grow in popularity in the coming year. "Spore" – genetic SIM's, in which everyone can become a demiurge, at least for a couple of hours. Left 4 Dead – pereosoznat attempt (and correctly translated into life) "antizom-biynoe" multiplayer carnage. Games recommended for killing free time with pleasure. 15. DDR3 memory and USB 3.0 are the most desired technology already last year. On the first talk with a bang after the announcement of Core i7 (in This CPU controller DDRS-memory integrated directly onto the chip) and the second and final specifications at all was only towards the end of the year.