Furnish heating system has its own set of nuances. As is well known heating pipes pass through floors and intercommunication, of course, require a thermal gap between the pipe and flooring. Quite Naturally, the desire to make this gap aesthetically beautiful. But as you close the heating pipes on their own, without professional help? Let's try to answer as fully as possible on this vopros.Itak usually parquet used in two ways. We consider both, but some of them more than you, then choose samostoyatelno.Oformlenie heating pipes using plintusa.Pervy option offers conceal pipes or heating supply an elastic material, and then, to gloss over all the cracks of cement mortar. This material may serve as asbestos board, which is as tightly, leaving no gaps wound on the tube.
The height of such winding must be equal to the level of plintusa.Dalee to hide the pipe directly to the skirting. For this pipe obkladyvaetsya soundproofing gasket and the remaining space between the baseboard and the heat pipe filled with cement-sand mortar. Dove solution to dry and harden well, you can paint the surface in the desired color, the right or vice versa with a contrasting color of floor pokrytiya.Oformlenie heating pipes with rozetki.Vtoroy version of this tube is much easier to hide. To fill the gap between the thermal parquet floors and a pipe heating system uses heat-resistant elastic sealant. A coupling between the pipe and the floor is made rozetkoy.Rozetka can be both wooden and plastic, which has a very simple build system – samozaschelkivayuschiesya spikes.
Wooden socket consists of two parts, and so-called fixing system "groove-joint". If you decide to use just such an outlet, it is necessary from the base, spines and grooves glue (it may even be ordinary PVA, although it is best to use Universal waterproof glue). Give him a little, just 2-3 minutes to dry out and join the two halves of sockets, with the "surrounding" the tube, and tightly clutching their one another and to the surface of a floor pokrytiya.Ne Remember to immediately remove the glue speaking. Wooden plug as well as plastic can choose the color or paint over, is still possible to use an appropriate stain color, and then open it lakom.My told how to hide the pipes and make the interior of the apartment harmony. Which option is better – it's up to you.