Certainly that she will not have only, infallible and/or predominant processes and strategies. The strategies to use will be, necessarily, interdisciplinares because: as the man it will not have conditions to live isolated; also one any branch of the knowledge will be incapable to find and to implement the best solutions for the diverse problems with that the humanity if faces currently: politician-ideological conflicts; diverse fundamentalismos; incontrolada proliferation of warlike armament; usurpation of rights acquired for the work; wild increase of consumption of estupefacientes; alastramento of serious illnesses; hunger; rich and poor growth of the irrigation ditch between; intolerncia to some levels in different activities and situations: social, econmicas, cultural, statutory politics and; systematic breaking of the Human Rights, including the disdain for the rights of the victims. In this picture, minimum described, all are few and the insufficient ways for, separately, if to get resulted favorable to the alteration of those situations. One knows that the resource the rigorous methods makes possible that science reaches a type of systematic knowledge, necessary and objectivo, for which if they discover universal and necessary relations between fenmenos. Science has to carcter universal in the measure where its conclusions are not valid, exclusively, for the observed cases, but also for all the ones that if are similar. The reality and/or the world constructed for science desire the objectividade, that is, the conclusions to be able to be verified by any another member of the scientific community, because it is established that science makes use of a rigorous language, so that the concepts are not presented ambiguous, insufficient or ambivalent. However, the construction and desconstruo of scientific paradigms, succeed it a rhythm each bigger time. Already it passed the period of the average age, where, for example, the geocentrismo prevailed as a dogma during some centuries, finishing for being disassembled, in the modern age, for the heliocntrica theory.