
Understood such concepts, them they must be applied in the process, of form to optimize it, influencing in one better management of the cost, in the organizations, without damage of the constant perfectioning of its management (MILK, 2003). The considerable growth of the volume of produced goods provoked a bigger concern with ambient politics e, mainly, a bigger awareness of the society how much to the state and the survival of the nature. The logistic one of distribution of new and old products was become enlarged of fast and efficient form, but the organizations had not been interested, in the same way, in relation to the possible reaproveitamento of these products, after the end of its useful life. According to Milk (2003), great part of the consumed or industrialized products, and later discarded, can to be recycled, reintegrating them it the productive process, changedding themselves into new products, or simply, being destroyed of adequate form. Inside of this new context, it appears the Logistic Reversa, subject of extreme relevance for the organizations, in such a way industrials, commercial, of partner-cultural services and. Of general form, Logistic Reversa is the return of the consumed product, or not, either it industrial, residential, or of any another nature, by means of canals of distribution, in planned way, implementing themselves and controlling the inverse flow of the product, adding values, reintegrating them it the productive process and to the business (MILK, 2003).

It has companies that they do not give to the Logistic Reversa the same logistic given importance the normal one, of the supplier to the consumer, they consider therefore it unproductive and of high cost. However, this vision is unreal, had to the social and ambient advantages that the Logistic Reversa provides to the community. For example, the case of the residues generated can be cited in industrial painting process in great companies.