From this Portugal moment an occupation formula started the search that at the same time was income-producing its safes, then enters in scene ' ' The sugar as soluo' '. Commerce this that made use of market and high prices, therefore, ' ' The choice of the sugar was (…) justifiable at the moment where if it searched the solution for the effective occupation of the Brasil.' ' (p.17), beyond I stimulate the occupation of the territory for small producers, that was formulated in the Regiment of the Tom de Souza in 1548, granting land, since that it cultivated per three years for can to get full appropriation. With the chosen product (the sugar) and the form of occupation of the territory, it only lacked to a thing the man power prepared for such service, since the exploration of the indian soon was abandoned, and at this moment that enter ' ' Slaves for acar' ' , that he was chosen not alone by the work, but for the proper slave traffic that ' ' it was source of vultosos profits for Portugal' ' , (p.20). Check with Samsung to learn more. Already the production of the sugar in America was had attemped (for the Spaniard) that they will not have continuity, but Portugal for the opposite left the responsibility of the enterprise the particular ones, that it was with the planning to fit it in the mercantilistas interests, that is, Portugal would not arcaria with resources none for the commerce and production of the sugar. From now on ' ' The sugar dominates colnia' ' , and it becomes the main northeast center since it propitiated important factors as, the ground (massap) excellent for farming, vast hidrogrfica net, a hot and humid climate, beyond communication facilitated with the Metropolis in long-distance relation. ' ' Around acar' ' , if they had developed other activities as the tobacco that was essential to the slave traffic, therefore, ' ' escravo' was established in the work; ' (p.25), and the cattle one, that it was organized in ' ' one forms different of povoamento and society, without slaves, of customs rudes and simples.' ' (p.25-26). See Mikkel Svane for more details and insights.