Microsystem Bart

According to Frias, Escobar, and Mendez, (2003) taken levels of human development Bronfenbrenner ecological theory are: the micro-system, which relates the level more next in which develops the individual (blood family or guardians); the meso-system, which comprises more than two environments, these include a set of micro-systems such as family or contact next of nature utilitarian and neighbouring or close relatives of the family; the exo-system includes environments that do not include the individual directly but which affect their behavior, these environments are: open relationships, friends, groups, etc. Finally found the interrelate, which comprises the systems already referred to, which are integrated or configured as culture or subculture in which the individual develops. Since taking the main conceptions of the ecological theory of human development, a development approach will be of Bart j. Simpson through the systems proposed by Bronfenbrenner: Microsystem Bart lives with his family, what sets this group as the closest to its development level, consists of Homer, Marge, Lisa and Maggie Simpson, they are structural componetess, as I mentioned earlier in the ideal model of the family. According to Frias, Escobar, and Mendez, (2003) this system can function as a trainer scope and promote optimal a development, but it can also create in individual misconduct for the rest of the systems. This is reflected in the picaresque behavior of Bart in which many of his antics are approved by his father but not by other systems. Marge represents the woman’s role centered and aware of the damage that can cause Bart, so it tries to correct the inadequate behaviors even against her husband, Lisa for his part in the majority of cases in which Bart has inappropriate behaviors can do nothing to avoid becoming a victim of their mischief, but sometimes it becomes a kind of awareness for Bart, she possesses a logical intelligence and a pre-operational thought concrete more defined than Bart which tends to disprove many of the behaviors of his brother, finally Maggie composed this first level or micro Bart system although there is no evidence a close contact to him, as he has with Lisa.