
High technology is not standing still, every day there are more and more devices using nanoparticles. But still loves to clean, and nanotechnology is no exception. In the United States created the world's smallest brushes, whose bristles 1000 times thinner than a human hair. Used the invention in order to remove nanopyl, purify water of pollutants and the microstructure of paint. The secret of small brushes is to use nanotubes of carbon, microscopic in diameter 0.000 000 030 meters, possessing incredible strength, they are both flexible and easy to pressure by changing their shape. On the development of scientists from the Polytechnic Rensselaer Institute, explained in detail in the magazine Nature Materials.

According to the article, nanoschetkami engaged team, led by renowned scientist Pulikelem Adzhayanom, which had previously found the ability to control the process growing nanotubes. As a result, new nanoschetki were grown as toothbrushes, cotton sticks and brushes china. The new technology, like that of a normal brush, there is a wide field of application. Scientists, in a report on progress work indicated that the developed nanoschetka can sweep nanopyl, nanosovok, however, still did not have time to create, but most likely it is only a temporary annoying upuschenie.Vtoroy option proposed by the developers, it use them for painting mikrokonstruktsy. Brush, dipped in iron oxide (more commonly known as rust), engages the particles, known to all red color, which are then transferred to a clean surface. Also during the demonstration project, has been shown and another opportunity to use nano-brushes – water purification. Setae, covered with absorbent materials, act as a magnet and attract toxic silver ions from contaminated water.

There are Another possibility of nanoschetok. Due to the fact that carbon nanotubes are electrically conductive, as well as the flexibility and durability, their possible application in high power motors. According to the assumptions of developers, nanoschetki can replace conventional metal brushes in electric motors, through which electricity is transmitted to the rotating part. Dr. Anyuan Kao believes that the use nanoschetki possible in medicine, however, researchers must first make sure that the work of brushes will not harm the body, from the brush bristles should not come off, should not they fall out. If approved, you can nanoschetki be applied in medicine to cleanse the blood vessels of the body of unwanted deposits, such as veins of thrombotic compounds. Another interesting fact is that applications can be found nanoschetkam and genetics. There the possibility that nanoschetki can cling and extract specific cells and DNA viral malicious connections. This is a very interesting study, because the potential is very high nanoschetok. After all, if you can learn how to rearrange the structure of DNA, we can cure many diseases before birth. Brush, like a stone ax, was one of the earliest inventions of human labor. Age of the oldest found brush is estimated at 30 thousand years. Perhaps it once belonged to the artist, from whose light hand and brushes appear petroglyphs in caves … And now a new use of brushes, despite the microscopic size, they clean way for nanotechnology. And who knows what other interesting high-tech will see the light, if they clear him of nano-dust?