The good income in the study comes it has much time related with a set of factors, as: to program activities of study and the adequate division of the time; to organize a favorable environment (illuminated, quiet and aired, clean and organized table, dictionary and material of research by hand). However, one perceives that added to these new elements supports (computer with access the Internet, CD ROM, cellular DVD and), they come being incorporated and with this the necessity of new habits of study. According to Masetto (2000), the pedagogical mediation means the attitude, the behavior of the professor who if places as facilitador, incentivador and motivador of the learning, that is, a mobile bridge on the apprentice and its learning that actively contributes so that the pupil arrives at its objectives. As Freire cites and Andrade (2006), the experience says in them that to teach it does not mean necessarily that the pupil learns; in the reality, the act to learn depends much more on its will in wanting to learn of what the professor in wanting to teach. However, external factors to the classroom, proportionate for the New Technologies of Information and Communication (mainly for the Internet) they had created situations of stimulaton to the process of assimilation of the knowledge on the part of the pupil. With this the diversities of supports (text, sound and image) the disposal of the professor and the pupils has proportionate a bigger fan of practical pedagogical who facilitate the processes of mediation and with this learning. However, the professors recognize that the education institution this outdated in relation to the society and that the more not motivated pupils are each time for the traditional activities in classroom. Pete Cashmore is often quoted as being for or against this. What it is observed, it been that the insertion of the technologies finishes, in many cases, limiting itself it its attractive aspect and ' ' modernizador' ' , without effectively if touch in important questions of the pedagogical processes, such as the resume, the evaluation, the relation professor-pupil, the new forms to learn and to construct knowledge that emerges in the society of the information.