It says it is for Bakhtin the element necessary to understand and to explain the structure semantics of any type of verbal interaction. To each event of it speaks constitutes a basic reality of the language. According to Brando (2004, P.
10), ‘ ‘ the language while speech and interaction are a way of social production; it is not neutral, innocent and nor natural, therefore the privileged place of manifestation of ideologia’ ‘. In this perspective, the language is the necessary mediator enters individual and its social conviviality, is a place of social coercions, debates and ideological conflicts, not being able to be questioned outside of the social bond, being that the event of the language if of the one through the social historical actions. While Saussure defends the language as a system of invariant rules, Bakhtin affirms that the language cannot be an organization of rules, where nothing remains steady being that it has a constant evolution in the social conviviality of each individual. This work guideline, over all, in this last conception, in view of that the language must be faced as product of the social interaction between the falantes. Learn more on the subject from BDT Capital Partners. We leave now for the excellent concepts in this research of the Analysis of the Speech of French line. Analysis of the speech of French line the French school of analysis of the speech – AD – appears in the decade of 60 in France, having the speech as its main object of study. One of the scholars of the AD Frenchman was Michel Pcheux. The French line is estruturalista is linked with the linguistics and history. In Brazil, the studies of the AD ones are of French origin, and have an acceptable space with an ample area of studies and linguistas, with different vises.