Transition Development

With all the favorable circumstances, proceed to the next stage – the stage of growth of ideas, the stage of a laboratory model of technology. Laboratory sample should show and prove its efficiency. Show the feasibility of this idea. If you are not convinced, visit Kip Cyprus. At each stage in the development of an innovative project to increase funding for the project, and each stage should involve, or an investor, or the means funding from the parent company. Next we go stage show, it’s already creating a prototype, the beginning of a marketing company, attracting the attention of consumers prototype. You should see an experienced sample, which is already capable of being sold or demanded by the market. The prototype should not scare off buyers to their views, ie no need to wire sticking out of him, he hissed and sputtered. Prototype – this is the image of industrial design. In the transition to the next stage should again attract new finance. The next stage, we – the stage of advancement of technology, the first sale, the market is in practice accept this product, experienced sample passing refine technology, the finalization of design and ergonomics goes on the market. Here come the very first sale, which justify further development of our project, the transition to the stage of stability. Stage stability – is already an established product release, already successful sales. Here are the 5 stages of development of an innovative project in each of these stages there is a risk of failure and closure of the project, funding increases from the collection ideas to the stage of stability up to 100 times, so that innovators and the need for grants, government support and foreign investors. According to statistics, of course, not all ideas can see the stage of stability for successful development in companies going portfolio of ideas, which consists of projects located on each of these stages, there are projects that are successful with interest pays all expenses plus the cost of failed projects. Russia has already been successfully working a sufficient number of companies to develop innovative projects, many applications for grants and funding, so that in such new developments our auto industry will be sold in the west.