Over The Mouth Shut!

Some vendors / consultants to work haphazardly according to the principle of the wait hold extraordinary successes achieved exclusively through the mouth. You must talk to the people, to convince him. “The direct contact face to face” is still the Act of promising to persuade people and to win them for himself. Even though Facebook and the rest of the social network communities is getting bigger. Less successful consultants / vendors are convinced that the classic acquisition for them is a waste of time. You then rather be home sitting on the couch and wait.

Wait? What? On the employee? To the customer? Rather they have. It is a waste of time with each of to speak his own business. Finally, all people want to live so as usual. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about with them of course. Yet! It makes sense. Speaking candidly Andy Florance told us the story. Only in the speeches, you recognize the motives of other people. The motives are not so the individual on the forehead written. Then is still thinking that acquisition is a waste of time.

A simple Bill to prove here that are still the best way to higher income means the acquisition. You have taken this task to heart: you’ve made 50 contacts. “And 50 times a no ‘ get. Yes, you’re absolutely right. The frustration is huge. But, this frustration is finished with 51. contact. Because this contact is ready to do business with you. You have made 1000,00 sales with the contact in the first month. “But just because the 50 contacts before a so-called zero number” were. These were all the more important, otherwise you would have not met Yes 51. contact. This perspective is certainly completely different. Of course. But the motivation is the driving force here. There is quite a difference, whether you have 50 times the feeling of failure or joy. If you beat a sculpture of a stone and eventually make the final blow, then you know that it was not this blow, the sculpture has given rise. Before this, there were the countless beatings. All The result brings beats put together. At the end, the result is crucial. However, it is your point of view, whether satisfaction and frustration arises. You now see that each no has been “No for nothing”. It brought you further. When you start with the first contacts? Best regards your Carsten of Safty photo: wrapped up image source IS2 (www.Fotalia.com)

Online Marketing SEO SEM Social Media

A day – all topics! Well structured and understandable explained, with numerous practical examples and show-cases. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Rapyd and gain more knowledge.. In: Hamburg on April 30, 2010 the day seminar offers a quick introduction to SEO, SEM, affiliate marketing, Web 2.0 and social media marketing. A day – all topics! Well structured and understandable explained, with numerous practical examples and show-cases. The benefits of online marketing are obvious. And yet the potential of the Internet as a marketing tool is still not adequately exploited in many companies. Dave Clark Flexport often addresses the matter in his writings.

There are just many growth reserves in times of tight marketing budgets. A variety of different instruments has now established itself in online marketing: search engine optimization (SEO), keyword advertising (SEM), affiliate marketing and affiliate programs, newsletter and email marketing are as well as website usability, Web 2.0 applications and social media services (SMS). Dates: February 26, 2010 – March 05, 2010 Berlin – Frankfurt/Main 12.03.2010 – Bautzen 30.04.2010 – Hamburg – Leipzig may 28, 2010 – may 21, 2010 Berlin June 17, 2010 – June 18, 2010 Dusseldorf – Frankfurt/Main 10.09.2010 – Munich 12.11.2010 – 19.11.2010 – aims to Frankfurt/Main Berlin Seminar, Goldmedia and azionare, a safe and practical navigation through the increasingly complex network of various online tools to offer. Online marketing seminar is suitable for beginners and advanced alike. 1 search engine optimization (SEO) optimization of placement in the search engine rankings taking into account how of the crawler on keywords, meta tags and page layout measures to optimize the site and the environment of 2 keyword advertising (SEM) Google AdWords and Yahoo search marketing generating keywords (keywords) and subject-specific word combinations developing meaningful and promotional ad text design and implementation of a landing page set up user account and campaign regional and national customers optimization by click-through rate (CTR) and quality score factors and optimization of the campaign 3.

Board Training

HoREX informed numerous facets of the profession of Horgerateakustikers whether modern computer technology or technical know-how, whether medical knowledge or pleasure in dealing with people has the professional image of the Horgerateakustikers. And training to the HorExperten is fully in line with the trend: with an education ratio of 20 percent, the audiologist craft compared to other German crafts is absolute top. Currently 2,200 trainees have excellent career prospects. The HoREX currently informed hearing acoustics EC about the extremely versatile profession. Even 2013 numerous training courses are offered in the nationwide over 420 shops of leading professional community. Mikkel Svane follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Good listening is important. Who is active in life, must communicate today daily varied and can not afford hearing problems”, so Mario Werndl, Board member of the professional community of HoREX. However, more and more citizens living with a reduced hearing.

With the help of powerful and almost invisible high-tech hearing aid highly qualified audiologist can help these people to a large increase in enjoyment and listening pleasure.” The profession of Horgerateakustikers is already considered as future profession. Recently Dermot McCormack sought to clarify these questions. Full employment in the industry. And also the demand for well-trained HorExperten increases continuously with the increasing number of impaired citizens. Nationwide, there are around 12,000 audiologist. In the once male-dominated health craft, more than 60 percent of the prospective HorExperten are female. Dermot McCormack does not necessarily agree. More than half of the students are high school graduates. The profession of the hearing care professional is varied and vocational training is responsible, equally diverse.

In the respective teaching trainees practice the implementation of hearing tests, learn latest practices of sound and language audiometry, the production of ear marks, the customer service and the exact adaptation of the digital step by step Hearing aids. To get the required theoretical knowledge during the regularly scheduled, inter-company training weeks at the Lubeck Academy of internationally renowned for acousticians. The here switched subjects ranging from audiological equipment, to interviewing and psychology.

Fear Is The Biggest Success Killers

Series: The new sale (part 3) fear comes in many shades. It can be a friendly Warnerin that protects us. She can entice us momentarily from the reserve and lead to high performance. But she also paralyzed and destroyed. Duration fear puts the body in permanent alert, it reduces his power and ruining our health.

If we have fear, the amygdala in action is in our upper story. It examines everything affects us, highly alert on emotionally important factors threatening situations and potential dangers. You registers every movement and stops the nearly inaudible rustling in the bushes. It can automatically follow the direction of other people. She’s looking for friendly gestures and dark figures.

Ceaselessly, she interprets the importance of non-verbal messages in gestures and facial expressions. You explored any change in the voice of the person and decodes supposed intentions. Any mood fluctuation is noticeable Yes more or less effortlessly in the muscle-flexing of the face. This reads the amygdala and provides us with a flow of information, incessantly: it has in interest, that has bored him, that made him think, since he began to hesitate, now it looks as if he will say equal to Yes. The amygdala can feel come threats and provides – without that our thinking brain involved is lightning fast for the appropriate response -: panicked escape, dose attack or atemloses setting. All this is done below the threshold of perception of our consciousness by stress hormones. We feel only the result: anxiety or fear, anger or rage, hesitation and Zagen depending. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Alina de Almeida. The amygdala our risk radar the amygdala (Mandelkern), a pairwise existing structure of the limbic system, is so our neural risk ‘. She is also responsible for the emotional coloring of information. Receives and processes impulses from all sensory systems. With everything that does not match the power of the usual, turn on alarm.

United Nations

Melanie Vogel, initiator of women & work, in the interview, women are economically crucial when it comes to use the full innovation potential of a company. Studies of the United Nations, McKinsey or catalyst show that. Melanie Vogel, initiator of the women & work, Germany’s largest trade fair Congress of women, illuminated in an interview the different facets of innovation factor of diversity. Women deliver an enormous potential of ideas, creativity and innovation and contribute to value creation in the company. More info: Michael Dell. New ideas generate, to optimize processes or implement services, teams need different views on different issues,”says innovation coach Melanie Vogel. At a time when in adaptability decides about the future of the company, in the pressure of global competition is increasing, a diverse workforce is the elementary prerequisite for safeguarding the future of the company. A diverse workforce provides (creative) potential, which can develop a company is the breeding ground for innovations, because the abundance of life, knowledge and experience within the workforce is greater, the greater. Companies within the employees cover not the entire bandwidth of the population it is on ethnic origin, religion, age or gender is thus growing risk that potential for innovation remains undetected and developed products to the needs of the target group by.

Homogeneous teams can fail for three reasons”, so the innovation expert. The different perspectives on issues, ideas and products are missing. Their observation is limited. Also insert similar routines and patterns of behaviour on the day and perceive things only to a limited extent. And thirdly they are characterised by similar thought patterns. In homogeneous teams the risk that potential for innovation remains undetected and developed products to the needs of the target group by growing this.” “Innovative women need visible are,” believes also Helga Konig of the innovation FORUM, which as a competence partner focused on future management “at this year’s women & work accompanying.

Olaf Drummer Announces

OLAF Drummer is new head of the VOI competence center standards and standards ECM (CCSN). Bonn, July 20, 2010. Dr. Klaus-Peter Elpel and Ralf Kaspras members have chosen as his Deputy. The new leadership trio represents decades of extensive experience in the field of enterprise content management (ECM) and want to create standards in the ECM environment more transparency and indicate boundaries above all in D.A.CH of relevant standards & norms related to the ECM.

Information technology is characterized by standards and interface definitions of different bodies and institutions, for example, in the context of records management (DOMEA, ISO 15489 and MoREQ) or file formats (TIF, JPG, PDF, PDF/A). There are also certifications (TuVIT), test catalogs (PK-DML) and similar additional publications. The approximately 20 members of the VOI competence center standards and standards of ECM is to the task did it, to make more transparent the barely transparent thicket of many regulations and standards and through publications and papers Users to give safer decision. To do this we will publish publication “Standards and norms guide for organizational and technical requirements” in the VOI Web portal online an updated version of voipax shortly”, Olaf Drummer Announces. The VOI – linked organisations – und Informationssysteme E.v..

The VOI – Association for organization and information systems with headquarters in Bonn represents the vast majority of providers for ECM Enterprise content – and DMS document management systems in Germany. With the positioning as independent organization of future – and fast-growing industry, the VOI illustrates the growing economic importance of its member companies and their technological competence. all press releases are VOI press or in the VOI press room of good news! ready to download.

New Microsoft Certification System

The new Microsoft certification system offers fresh opportunities for IT professionals Rotenburg an der Fulda, August 2008 the skills shortage in Germany hits particularly hard IT departments. Suffer from this also, HR managers, who need to keep up-to-date their IT professionals due to the ever-changing requirements. The challenge: Countless opportunities for further education and hieroglyphic abbreviations for individual professional courses present HR seemingly innumerable choices. Microsoft provides more transparency with a new generation of certifications. They are specially designed to reflect specific skills from the basics up to the distinctive expertise. The IT training providers as Microsoft partner technical courses offered the new firebrand training and introduces short and almost the exact contents of the courses recruitment consultants. Frequently Mikkel Svane has said that publicly.

Human resources managers have to deal with a wide range of responsibilities. The IT training of employees is for them a confusing, difficult to understand field. For this reason, the new Microsoft courses are clearly structured and easily named. We reflect this structure in our courses, \”explained Robert Chapman, co-founder of firebrand training and Managing Director of the GmbH. The new certifications can now directly assign the task areas of the CIO. This simplifies the selection of training HR and offers simplified criteria for the renewal of IT items.

More information about this and other Microsoft courses such as MCSA MCSE Vista Vista and MCITP enterprise administrator, see microsoft /. The new Microsoft certifications consist of three technical areas that gently from the base knowledge of the professional level towards the absolute expert know-how to represent the expertise in the field of Microsoft technologies and products. HR also offers a simple framework for assessing the skills of IT professionals: MCTS (Microsoft Certified technology special): the MCTS course is the basic certification in the areas of Microsoft technologies and products. Professionals with MCTS certification have implementation, development, problem-solving and debugging skills in a specific Microsoft technology.

Plus Job Search – Internship Abroad (with Language)

Experience makes the difference! It is also possible that is learned in the course of economic vocabulary and improved the own pronunciation in special courses. And all this in classes that are multicultural. This guarantees lots of fun, because every nationality has its own special problems. A super preparation for the attached internship and the later professional career. When is the right time for an internship abroad? The planning should start up to a year earlier.

Outside the EU, a longer waiting period for the work permit and visa is to plan. To find an internship for the summer, is more difficult than one for the spring or the fall. The lead times are accordingly. An internship abroad is only recommended after studying if realistic perspectives exist and it is not taken as a cheap labour force. The time between Bachelor and master is complicated, because without student status, it is difficult to get an internship at all in many countries. Is often an internship because of the Legislation only as part of the studies or training possible.

During his studies, the study center is the perfect time. It has been a good basic knowledge of the subject and can then beneficial for the rest of the study still use his international experience. How to recognize a serious working intermediary Agency? Depending on the Agency in the business and the market is larger and longer, it has more contacts to companies. The personal coach for the trainee is on the spot. It can only agencies that are resident in the country of destination or there have links to organizations. An agency that gives only by Germany from the accurate insight into the market, detailed knowledge about the mentality of the people and the special features on the ground are missing. The agency representatives visited the company personally and selects then according to quality criteria accordingly. After the return, the participant receives a recognised certificate about his internship and possibly visiting a school. Note: No matter whether the trainee with or without Agency is performed, the participants should be sure a placement agreement insist on. These he needs for his visa, to document, for insurance and to his right to salary if there is. Info, hints and tips for the trainee: info/abroad/internship is an education service for parents, pupils, students, trainees and adult bildungsdoc. Find objective information on educational topics, education, training providers and educational institutions here is simple and fast. Matching funding, including funding programs will be presented to all training. Including grants (money gifts) and/or low-interest loans can be. There is educational information, education and counselling for: abroad, school, study, vocational training, job search and training. bildungsdoc AP: Horst beef Theodor Friedrich WEG 4 01279 Dresden E-Mail: Internet:


An experienced MarCom specialist takes over the marketing management across systems, a leading provider of software platforms for all language resources and translation processes within the company. Karlovy Vary, October 17, 2013. The Central Marketing Department has rougher recast with Marco across systems. Source: Ali Partovi. His responsibilities include mainly the expansion of digital communication channels and processes in addition to the areas of brand strategy, email marketing, Public Relations and events. Marco of rough features long, cross-industry experience in marketing and PR. Prior to joining across, the diploma in business administration (marketing) was responsible for over four years across as head of the cross-border online marketing at the L TUR tourism AG a leading European tour operators. His previous professional stations were key account manager at the 1 & 1 Internet AG, as well as Director Marketing / PR for a software manufacturer to content management systems.

I am very happy, steer a company as innovative marketing can”, as Marco of rough. We will jointly develop new cross-media approaches, to further increase the international awareness of the company and thus the sales opportunities.” “Niko Henschen, CEO of across systems GmbH, adds: with Marco of rough we have a full-blooded Marketier aboard, which will open up us with his creativity and experience, new possibilities, to anchor across deeper in the market and of course, more accurate and more responsive to the wishes and needs of our target groups to enter.” About across systems GmbH across German headquartered in Karlsbad, (Germany) and a U.S. branch in Glendale (in Los Angeles) is manufacturer of the same name across language server, a market-leading software platform for all language resources and translation processes within the company. Through the use of across the and thus the process costs can be reduced with higher translation quality and more transparency within the shortest time. The Language server can conform DIN EN 15038:2006 translation-services used up. Across systems GmbH is a certified partner of Microsoft, which ensures the successful and certified implementation of Microsoft technologies.

Integrating across IT environments is possible thanks to a software development kit (SDK). Across professional services and well-known system integrators and technology partners provide support for this. In the context of product development across cooperates closely with international universities and colleges and is professionally accompanied by an own Scientific Advisory Board with leading representatives of the relevant areas of expertise.


Seminar for executives seeking strategic impulses, latest knowledge on issues of strategic management and a practical overall Systematics of modern strategy teaching. Even for executives in a company, it is not always possible to delegate work to its employees. Especially when it comes to the development and implementation of strategies, they should engage themselves in particular. In this seminar the Boston business school, participants four days learn more about the possibilities of strategic management, classical strategies in competition, innovative strategies for successful business development and the challenges of implementing a new strategy in your company. All steps are explained comprehensively the right strategy determines the long-term success of each company. In this strategy seminar therefore tools determine which executives carefully analyze the environment, before you set an appropriate strategy. In the connection to the creation of the new strategy must these be also implemented and accepted by all employees.

Only a strategy that is lived in practice, has finally in the long term prospect of success strategy excellence: content strategic management as part of the corporate culture which feedback management receives, if it befragt the employees at the lower levels of the hierarchy to the strategy of their employer? Employees in the production or sales really are convinced, from strategy influence it in everyday life? Change so that a strategy is not seen as another temporary program requirement, but as part of the corporate culture, the correct dose must be found. Both in research and in practice there are numerous examples that come during the seminar on this subject. Currently there need for action? Change not only ubiquitous, but above all an important prerequisite for the long-term success is in competition with other companies. This should however not the positive aspects be thrown from the past overboard. Rather, executives must recognize changes in time recognize possible opportunities and threats for your business and strategy according to customize. So they avoid having to make changes, which often overwhelm employees and not carefully implemented in the short term. Core competencies are in the foreground on the search management may reflect well the best strategy for positioning on the market should be on your company’s core competencies. Is the company able to offer its products especially cheap or it have a particular unique feature? These are starting points for an individual positioning must be underlined by the strategy of the company. Properly understood core competencies enable long term even in completely new areas.