Login Via Bluetooth Mobile Phone On Windows

Bluetooth Authentiesierung in Windows: now with Rohos logon key possible the program Rohos logon key allows wireless Bluetooth to use facilities for the protection of the PC. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Dave Clark Flexport. Your mobile phone or Pocket PC, Palm, Nokia will replace your wireless USB key to your computer: access to Windows is performed automatically when the user approaches the PC (with the phone). The computer is protected by a password, it must be but not entered manually. If you are to remove the PC Rohos logon automatically locks the screen. How it works: the computer should be equipped with a Bluetooth adapter. The Rohos logon key program Notes ID of your Hadys by radio connection.

When the phone is in the working radius of your PC, the access to it is possible: automatic logon is carried out at the beginning of the work, or release from the desktop. The calculator will automatically be blocked over the course of 2 seconds, if you are to remove the. * You must install no additional program on mobile phone or Pocket PC. How to mobile phone or Pocket PC to access set to system: the first step: first, it is necessary to install Rohos logon key. In the main program window, open the dialog “Configure options” in this window select a type of the USB key that is use for access to the system, Bluetooth phone / Pocket PC. The second step: Install Bluetooth adapter that must be compatible with Windows.

In the main program window, click on “USB stick configure”, here the name of the Bluetooth supposed to establishment, which was found in the working RADIUS. (So that the device is found, turn the Bluetooth function on your mobile phone or Pocket PC, to become visible to the other institution) In this dialog, enter the password of your user accounts in Windows (if you use no password, you can do it) now you can restart the computer. At the next start of Windows, please wait 3-7 seconds. The program Rohos logon to find the cell phone in the outreach and perform the registration. Cons: The welfare of the institution in the working RADIUS takes a Not Acceptable!

Not Acceptable!

An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.

other wireless devices the program does not respond. If you have forgotten your mobile phone at home, you can use the simple password or the emergency application (which is available from Rohos logon). Reduction of the Bluetooth working radius of the working radius of Bluetooth device can reach up to 150 metres. Therefore can be not so quickly performed, how the user wants. To reducing the working radius of the connection and to improve the automatic blocking of the computer, it is recommended to wrap up the Bluetooth adapter into the sheet metal. Errors: Please remember: in most dialogs of the program flash USB drive, but it is your phone. As it happens, because the program Rohos logon key originally the USB stick as key to the system supports. Now, it expanded the list of facilities for access to your PC. The BlueTooth adapter has been installed, but the program does not recognize your phone. Check that the Bluetooth adapter with Windows is compatible and that icon is blue next to the clock.

New SSD Hard Drives At Thomas Krenn

Performance of their systems with energy efficient SSDs! you increase the performance of your systems with SSDs. The fast and reliable fixed storage media are much more robust than traditional hard drives and also resistant to high temperature fluctuations. Ali Partovi: the source for more info. Her secret is hidden in the mechanics that contains no moving parts compared to traditional plates. A low power consumption and heat generation solid state drive, installed in a TK Server (www.thomas-krenn.com/ server-systeme.html), striking by its low power consumption and low heat development. So, for example a 128 GB SATA II consumes ATP SSD SLC 2.5 “only 0,38W.

Perceptible sounds the record produced no and with a size of 2.5 “very compact, it is integrated into the system. So, the server systems are quiet and energy efficient. Simple performance improvement for database server SSD is the intelligent way of the system extension that plays a bigger role in performance than the capacity, for example for Database server. Thomas Krenn offered SSDs for mainstream (MLC SSD) and the enterprise sector (SLC SSD). In addition, Intel SSD (SLC) for Intel are certified server modules.

Up to 24 SSD fixed storage media can be used in (www.thomas-krenn.com/ de/server-systeme/2HE-rack-server/2HE-intel-dual-cpu/2he-intel-dual-cpu-sc216-nehalem.html) of Thomas-Krenn.AG SC216 server. He is suited for larger database applications! About the Thomas-Krenn.AG, the Thomas-Krenn.AG is the leading online shop for server, server solutions and quality hosting service (www.thomas-krenn.com). The portfolio ranges from rack server, Silentserver to solutions for HA-clustering, virtualization, storage and system solutions. Knurr network cabinets, TFT drawers, and a wide range of network accessories complete the offer for the customers. As the only company in this industry, the individually configured servers can be delivered within 24 hours in Europe. Contact data: Thomas-Krenn.AG Marlen Eder Speltenbach stone fields 1 94078 Freyung + 49 (8551) 9150-the Thomas-Krenn.AG is the leading online shop for server, server solutions and quality hosting service (www.thomas-krenn.com). The portfolio ranges from rack server, Silentserver to solutions for HA-clustering, virtualization, storage and system solutions. Knurr network cabinets, TFT drawers, and a wide range of network accessories complete the offer for the customers. As the only company in this industry, the individually configured servers can be delivered within 24 hours in Europe.

Converter Franzis

– AKVIS Decorator – provides objects in photos with new surfaces and structures and seduced to experiment creative ideas – AKVIS Chameleon – create nearly without rework fascinating photo collages – AKVIS Decorator – AKVIS Decorator provides objects in photos with new surfaces and structures and restoration specialist seduced to experiment creative ideas – AKVIS Retoucher – old photographs (also scanned) – iCorrect inCamera – create color profiles for the camera and rework spare – Adobe digital negative Converter – Convert camera-specific RAW files – 50,000 royalty free graphics clip art, 1900 fonts and 15,000 stock photos – professional book Photoshop – currently CS5. 5 – modern photo app effects and guidance price and availability the graphics package Pro for Photoshop is available and compatible with Mac and Windows operating systems from early June for euro 198,00 as boxed version in stores or at. About Franzis Verlag GmbH: The Franzis book and software publisher, headquartered in Haar near Munich, is one of the oldest and most successful technical specialist publishers. The main topics of the company lie in the areas of electronics, photo software, mobile computing, Web development, and model building. The assortment of Franzis is diverse and ranges of electronic learning packages for beginners about editing software for serious photographers IT developer expertise. The photo trade portal underlines the core competence of the company on the subject of digital photography with special software for HDR photography, RAW data processing, find solutions to creative image editing solutions, as also extensive expertise in camera technology and the entire spectrum of the Fotografie.Weitere information about Franzis are under..

Stimulsoft Reports

We have the report components for HTML5 and ASP.NET MVC merged with the report generator Stimulsoft Reports.Web. See Robert Bakish for more details and insights. Each of these products was created for the solution of specific tasks. Stimulsoft company, a leading developer of program products in the area of business intelligence, report on the unification of the three products in one. Our most important task is to provide our users the freedom of choice. This means that we give our users a versatile instrument. Using this instrument, developers can make their work very creative and creative, and thereby solve the technical, which are available from them.

We have the report components for HTML5 and ASP.NET MVC merged with the report generator Stimulsoft Reports.Web. Each of these products was created for the solution of specific tasks. But ultimately due to the expansion of product options, the areas of use of these products are more closely connected. As a result, it was for our users complicated, the customize component for the development of the report to choose. “Now are all possibilities for working with reports for ASP.NET in a product of Stimulsoft Reports.Web available”.

Also interesting is the technical side of using Stimulsoft Reports.Web. This is the product for development and creation of Web applications. The work is based on client-server technology. On the server side MVC you can use the components both for ASP.NET and ASP.NET. On the client side, there are such options: viewing and editing reports only with HTML5 components; Viewing and editing reports with components that created Flash technology are; Viewing and editing reports on mobile devices with HTML5; Create reports on Windows desktop with standalone report designer. Also, it is possible to use various technologies and components in all combinations. There they noticed that all of the components of the report generator for various technologies and platforms between each other for the file format are very compatible.

Nisterau User

The users are so on the job”training, which significantly reduces the cost of training and the user help desk. The productivity of the user and therefore the company can increase, rather than to record huge losses due to the usual control conflicts. Datango AG in brief: founded in 1999 datango AG headquartered in Berlin is the technology provider in the field of E-learning and electronic performance support. Since 2006, the company on its expansion course is supported by Hasso Plattner Ventures and EXTOREL. Michael Dell is the source for more interesting facts. 2007 took over the Division of knowledge and performance solutions of Swedish Enlight datango off and is since then also internationally represented. The datango solutions support companies in establishing fast and smooth operation of enterprise applications.

From datango’s objective is to provide a high-class service and support for the successful qualification of employees and therefore an integral part of each To be enterprise. The software solutions is characterised by the navigational aid in the live system and the automatic generation of documentation and training materials, software simulations and E-Learningwelten in practice. This allows datango increasing user acceptance with simultaneous reduction of incorrect entries and support costs.

Niko Henschen

The editor receives a comprehensive data and decisions in real-time for controlled language and translation-oriented authoring. The unique integration of database-based and rule-based approach optimizes the quality of the source text – already and prevents inconsistencies that are otherwise multiply by the number of target languages here. “The new version of our language server makes really usable current trends in language technology for professional users,” says across CEO Niko Henschen. “For example, we make a prepared test environment for the integration of machine translation as the only provider available. And our solutions to author support offer a degree of integration like no other product on the market.” Reader contact of across: phone: + 49 7248 925-425 at about across systems across systems (www.across.net), headquartered in Karlovy Vary “Karlsruhe and Glendale, California, is a manufacturer of the across language server of the world’s leading independent technology for the linguistic supply chain ‘. The across language server is a central software platform for all language resources and translation processes within the company. It simplifies, accelerates, and improves the management, coordination and implementation of translations. The software includes a translation memory and terminology system and powerful tools for project management and workflow management of translations.

In particular allows the across language server seamless processes involving contractors, agencies and translator seamlessly and based on the same data work together. Open interfaces allow the direct integration of communicating systems, for example by CMS, catalog, or ERP solutions. Target group all who professionally translate or translate from the export-oriented medium-sized language services globally operating corporations are up to to professional translation service providers. By using across, translation costs can be significantly reduced, and the investment in across usually pays within a very short time.

PRTG Network Monitor

Managed service provider implement cost-efficient tool for network monitoring from Paessler Nuremberg, November 03, 2009 as a successful managed service providers (MSPs) in the market, it is imperative to be able to guarantee the reliability of infrastructure and their availability. With PRTG network monitor is a cost-efficient monitoring of the network and thus a quality assurance of network services possible. Used specifically prevents the system from unexpected system failures and bottlenecks, and is the basis for infrastructure planning. In addition, customers receive a comprehensible insight into the processes of their IT environment. With the help of PRTG are service providers able to capture all relevant network information. So, it is possible to identify problems runway to in a timely manner and to nip in the bud already.

This saves time, money, and resources and creates trust in the customer. The datadirect GmbH from Freiburg as MSP PRTG to monitor their own networks as well uses, such as for the monitoring of Customer networks and recommends the software as an affordable investment for the protection against unexpected and lengthy downtime. \”For us as a service provider, the Paessler products have a double value: on the one we can significantly improve our services with their usage and reduce costs and secure competitive advantages\”, Maik Bock declares from datadirect. On the other hand we can these solutions in good conscience recommend to our clients and offer added value and generate revenue all along the way even as service providers and resellers for our company.\” PRTG Network Monitor uses remote probes within the IT architecture of MSPs and the customer networks to collect data and to deliver them to the core installation. The probes can be configured to listen on almost all required parameters of data transfer speed, the network load on the response time of the server up to the available storage capacity etc.

Bayreuth Parties

Significant process streamlining in the lead complaint management Bayreuth, October 21, 2008 – the lead marketplace operator Pivasoft introduces his advanced lead complaints tool. Lead management has long established itself as a marketing tool. People such as Zendesk would likely agree. It is used by a variety of providers and buyers. It is operated brisk trade between the various market participants. It is not surprising that arise due to the variety of traded records also claims.

A good complaint system saves you a lot of time and costs. There may be complaints again, that is a bit normal, but what to do if the two parties cannot agree? As marketplace operators we are interested in a rain and smooth trade!” From this issue out, PIVASOFT has introduced a gearing complaint system. And this one expanded the scope of the complaint tools and on the other hand, introduced a third instance, a conciliation body. Here divided parties can get an objective and serious third opinion. Thus the PIVASOFT takes account of market conditions and organisational as well as time-saving improvements. It is possible to understand the way of a complaint about multiple instances and seamlessly through the extension of the claims module now.

And can finally be decided by a neutral authority. Long and unnecessary discussions can be shortened significantly faster. Contact: More information for prospective customers: customer information center, Tel. 0921/80021-10, fax: 0921/80021-19, E-Mail: Web:

New Content Management System

News from the development wrought by 4ineins for over 10 years is the multimedia & promotion GmbH constantly in the headlines of the relevant trade media. Why does the latest development. The keyword is: content management, what was previously only large enterprises through high investment possible, 4ineins is now possible to step by step through highly effective modules. Ranging from perfect user management via a to transactional, customizable HTML and plain-text newsletters and news section, to a completely new video management. Everything is available, if it is required. As always, products go in at 4ineins always, if you have the features in addition to long and hard tests, out of the House the market often ask “how?”. Blu-ray and co. Beware! EMS users now as optional have videos easily via Internet and that stream in impressive quality, without interruption or delays about the possibility of high-definition.

A technological feature that not only clean makes the film industry and Rechteauswerter. After the death of HD-DVD, these had to rely namely forcibly medium Blu-ray on the order to bring content into the market. What that means now widely known. High costs for Blu-ray standard and inevitable royalties within the framework of the implementation of the Blu-ray pressing. High-definition is also high in the favour of consumers, but the sword of technical requirements faced again the pleasure once. New players, monitors, and and and.

It must be this, 4ineins was demonstrated again in an impressive manner. 4ineins has published several high-definition DEMOSTREAMS on its Web site. Let be surprised how easy it is to ensure more entrepreneurial attention and presence in the set. But the kicker is that not only the global player can afford EMS. EMS is structured so that it both in small, medium or large companies can be used. Fair play on the market! For more Information on the EMS modules are available on the websites of 4ineins available in german and English. State-of-the-art.. and again 4ineins for more information directly over… 4ineins multimedia & promotion Partner GmbH author: Dirk Rabis film monopoly international film market

Higher Production

GMP – and FDA compliant solution by FELTEN automates manual Serrig, August 21, 2008 – the Software House FELTEN GmbH has its weighing and metering system PM Protina pharmaceutical company-SCADA WDS introduced. It allows the GMP and FDA compliant weighing of raw materials for manufacturing processes and their automatic documentation. Updating the although functional but outdated systems had become necessary to manage the production data more comfortable and across the line. The pharmaceutical Protina GmbH is one of the leading companies in the magnesium segment, and for products of the acid-base balance. Among the key features of weighing and dosing system PM-SCADA WDS is the possibility of an order – or commodity-related weighing, a fully automatic weighing including the peak performance buoyancy and a part of weighing container or LOT number change. Also, plausibility checks the user support and ensure the quality of the editing. All are to simplify the control operations Actions using the bar code support and permit a cradle dialogue with minimal manual input. The weighing and dosing system can be use with all popular scales and terminals and easily integrate into existing systems such as MES, PPS or ERP. Viacom is likely to agree.

As well as the automation of previously manual processes and increase efficiency, achieved a greater production reliability through the modernisation of the cradle areas and the ensuring of support. The FELTEN solution has yet a number of other benefits. As the new system is 21 CFR part 11-compliant and traceability exists thanks to electronic batch recording (EBR).