Porto Alegre

Immediate History pocisiona through a questioning politician to this monopoly exerted for the media in the direction to try to answer to the social demands, and fits it to become understandable information (DES) information plays for the media on the mass consumer of notice. It has the responsibility to make what the media does not obtain: to give historical inteligibilidade to the generally fragmented information, imposing its critical analysis, keeping the pertinent relations, contextualizando the facts and interpreting them with scientific severity. According to Luiz Drio Teixeira Ribeiro: ' ' The great media is subordinated to a small number of powerful groups, (that they concentrate to be able economic and potential of intervention politics) they use that it as instrument to create the illusion or the image of an undisputed thought for its severity and its veracidade.' ' 3 and is against the dictatorship of this Golias of the Only Thought that the Davi historian must be opposed. BIBLIOGRAPHY: ARIAS GRANDSON, Jose Miguel. Verbal history and History of the Present Time. Native of London, typewriting sheet, 1995.

AZEMA, J.P. ' ' Presente&#039 time; ' In: BURGUIRE, Andres (org.) Dictionary of historical sciences. Rio De Janeiro: Imago, 1993. BOURD, Guy; MARTIN, Herv. The Historical Schools.

Lisbon: Europe-America, s/d. BURKE, Peter. The Annales: French revolution in the historiogrfia. So Paulo: UNESP, 1997. CALIL, Gilbert; IT HISSES, Carla Luciana; SCHREINER, Davi. Educational program Exoduses: social movements, Immediate History and the Press. Mini-course carried through in VI the Symposium Interdisciplinar de Histria ' ' Exoduses and migraes' ' , Marshal Cndido Rondon, 5 to the 8 of September of 2001. DOSSE, Franois. History in crumbs: of the Annales to New History. Campinas: publishing company of the State University of Campinas, 1992. FERNANDES, E. Pine et. Alli. Counterpoints: Assays of Immediate History. Porto Alegre: Leaf of History/Palmarica Bookstore Publishing company, 1999. LACOUTURE, Jean. ' ' Imediata&#039 History; ' In: LE GOFF, Jacques (org.) New History. So Paulo: Martins Sources, 1998. 1 LACOUTURE, Jean. ' ' History imediata' '. In: LE GOFF, Jacques. (org.). New History. So Paulo: Martins Sources, 1998. Lacouture is special reporter of the periodical ' ' Le monde Diplomatique' ' , of France and the magazine ' ' Le nouvel observateur' '. Also &#039 was the creator of the collection; ' L' historie immdiate' ' for the publishing company Le Seuil. He is professor in the Institut de Hautes tudes Politiques of Paris and in the University of Vincennes. 2 RODRIGUES, Gabriela. ' ' History: a science of presente' '. In: FERNANDES, E. Pine et al. Counterpoints: Assays of immediate history. Porto Alegre: Leaf of History/Palmarica Bookstore publishing company, 1999. 3 RIBEIRO, L.D. Teixeira. ' ' Current times and History imediata' ' In: FERNANDES, idem. pp. 184-185

Center Students

Patatabrava.com was born in 2002 to help the student to survive the harsh life of the University. Seven years later, this support materializes in more than 15,000 classified by Center, faculty, course and teachers notes. Upload notes to the network has become an increasingly widespread practice. Specialized portals, own teachers, students and universities are responsible for that today is in Internet teaching material in almost all areas of knowledge.Pak is a magic word for a good number of students at the technical school Superior of engineering of the University Polytechnic of Valencia. The term is the nickname with which Francisco Jose Rodriguez Fortuno, former student of this school who altruistically, has published all his notes of the race on the Internet is identified. Source: Steve Wozniak.

Notes from Pack, such as collect the author in your portal, now exceed 150,000 downloads, an average of 2,000 downloads by subject.In general, can be a good help for study subjects, but in any case would advise students to stop taking their own notes and, much less, stop going to class. Taking notes is an activity prior to the study that facilitates learning and understanding of the subject, so this slogan provided by Rodriguez Fortuno is which should consider the thousands of University students who each year use the resources available on the Internet. In any case, this material serves to supplement the annotations of the student or complete them when he was unable to attend class. Professors and universities notes in Internet publishing is usual in recent years. In some cases, it is made by initiative of own university professors, using this medium to facilitate the study of matter to its students. Through personal pages or the website of the University, teachers offer the option to download class as additional aid notes. Sometimes, the material available is useful only for the students of this teacher, but other times It can be used by any Internet user interested in the subject, as the collection of notes prepared by teachers and collaborators of the Superior School of engineers of San Sebastian.

Feudal System

Finally, it exists the pure and simple incompetence and the room. The clientelismo: a concept stops beyond Weber In the occidental societies, mainly in those where the social inaquality is in accented surplus, one practical common one in the current days is the use of the clientelismo as form to assure to be able. When one is specifically about the Brazilian Nation, is still more clear this practically, mainly in devoid communities, where the exchange of the vote for any object, guarantees the politician (that at this moment it tries to hide under another term: candidate) some years of being able. He is possible to trace a comparison here with the primrdios of the Brazilian civilization, when the finders (invading of lands beyond-sea) that here they had arrived obtained to change objects of little value for objects of the biggest value advertising. Of certain, it is important to perceive that these objects did not have the lesser value for the natives who lived here, have seen that they did not know commercial usage in the same way as those that had arrived here. is in this finishes drawn commentary the great one of this comparison, therefore, in the same way ' ' povo' ' delivery its objects of value ' ' comercial' ' (the vote) for other objects that will not have as much value of social change, but that they are, at least necessary to the individual. The Clientelismo is a subsystem of relation politics – in general on to the coronelismo, where if it reedits an analogous relation to that one between suserano and vassal of the Feudal System, with a person receiving from another one the protection in exchange for the support politician. As he notices characteristic the customer is in total submission to the master, independently of with this possessing any familiar or employment relation. In Brazil and some countries of Latin America, its roots retrace to the patriarcais origins of these society.