Lack System

In the horizontal system heating can not be fully warm all the rooms of the house. The heating system runs with your hands natural circulation, since this is sufficient circulating pressure. Since the stack of these building has a height of not less than 10 m, the boilers can run on any fuel. Recommendations on installation and operation of water heating In conclusion, some recommendations for compliance of building regulations, which should be taken into account during installation, adjustment and operation of heating systems, made by hand. Equipment with firing furnaces (boilers, ready to heat registers, stoves) should be installed under the rules of fire safety, providing for the installation of these devices at some distance from building structures. For example, a distance of ceramic pockets of fire (stoves, fireplaces, boilers) should not be less than 100 mm – up to fire-resistant, 150 mm – up to inflammable and 250 mm – up to combustible construction. Chimneys should be placed so that the firing plant (boilers, furnaces, etc.) can be placed in close proximity to the chimney, as long chimneys reduce cravings.

Chimney height and diameter are accepted depending on the type of heating system and fuel used. Solid and liquid fuels warehoused near the boiler in compliance with fire safety rules. With commissioning of water heating system check the conformity of its design and technical specifications, the correctness of installation pipelines, installation of heating appliances and fixtures, the location of a culvert units, the lack of leaks in pipe joints, valves and fittings, the strength of attachment of pipelines and equipment, serviceability of the valves, the uniformity of heating of all the devices in the building.

The Materials

We will not describe all preparatory work is not related to mounting directly to standing seam roof. After selecting a roofing material, (increasingly popular in recent years has earned – steel with polymer coating. A judicious combination of price and quality.) Seam roof automated method involves the use of roll roofing material type. Buy spools desired length (slope of the roof), brought to the site. On the territory of the roof deliver faltseprokatny machine.

If need to install it on most roofing. Make a special platform where there is its setting. After that, the reel is cut from a sheet, with a long slope of the roof, including overlaps. The entire sheet is passed through machine. At the outlet have a picture with curved edges for seam lock (male-female). Seam roof installed there also! Each run list, is placed next to the next picture and connects to a double standing seam. Capping and double fold for attaching pictures of the roof sheathing to use klyaymmera.

It is generally thin strips with the same material as the paintings are nailed or screwed to the lath with screws (in increments of 600 mm) and joining of two paintings by pinching seam thereby rigidly holding the roof decking. If you use a picture longer than 9 meters, to avoid problems (temperature differences lead to linear changes in the picture) use floating capping. Floating differ from the usual capping its foundation. With the help of which they become dynamic deformations of the linear patterns. Floating klyaymera also use the materials that very thin to respond to changes in temperature, for example: zinc – titanium. Folded roof, covered with zinc-titanium and attached to the sheathing with conventional capping – for example, in the winter threatens to break ground in the linear diformatsy. If you are connecting pictures to go joint sealants – 100% protection against leaks! After the joining of art, their edges rolled (compressed) in a special way, this is done using electric or manual typewriters by conventional stamp that looks like a big pliers, jams inside the prepared edge. On this main job is finished. As a result, we have a metal carpet covering the entire slope of the roof! And he is so strong and stable that it is possible to forget the years of roofing troubles. Due to the magnitude of the deck disappears load truss system, which excludes the gain timber. Seam roof in the modern tradition is involves the use of quality materials. Now this roof will last a very long time. Modern seamed roof, a professional approach in krovlestroenii which involves faltseprokatny machine. Quality assurance is confirmed over the years. If you use good materials and the technology of mantazha, proper use of the roof after its delivery (removal of the roof in winter, etc.). You get a solid roof that will last you for many years.