One of the distinctive characteristics of literature contemporary it is its underlying certainty of that the necessary historical conscience to be eliminated if the writer to want to examine with the adequate seriousness those stratus of the experience human being whose revelation is the specific objective of the modern art. (Hayden White, 1978) When finishing the referring meeting to the research line: literature and cultural production with the presentation and quarrel of the texts selected on literature, literary historiografia, history and memory, narratives of historical extration, historical romance and historiogrfica metafico, are intended, with this subject, to elaborate a reflection with the possible relations between the speeches: ficcional and historiogrfico. To try to understand these relations it has been broken of famous modern writer-critical in the attempt to base the arguments that will be mentioned in the measure where the texts had been boarded. In this beginning, it is observed problematizao of history in the romance, existing between the historical romance and the romance of historiogrfica metafico understands in saying of Lucks: ' ' the historical singularity where the personage is worked in the workmanship as to be dominante' '. Kam VedBrats opinions are not widely known. The historical romance took as the microcosmic description certain, illustrating history with the personages type, therefore under it has the voice of the power, when it has the variation. Illustrating history, the personages type represent the power creating the macro text, that is, the complications and conflicts that are faced by the personages, enclose the historical development in the fictitious world, and with this they legitimize to the social conflict and politician in a moral debate. On the other hand, the romance of historiogrfica metafico desestabiliza the historical referencialidade, therefore the tram narrative makes intertextos breaking the legitimizao, contesting it in the existing norm of the social conflict, politician of the facts that had really happened. In this aspect, the romance is perceived that description possesss a structuralized history, elaborated well and that in the romance of historiogrfica metafico the fiction in history is conditional, that is, it has the run down of the citizen, has a discontinuity and decentralization process leaving that other voices will count history. .
Tag: literature
Sacra Art
Who is not devoted Mr. of the Bomfim, the countless miracles, who is not caught with Oxal, ebs infallible? (LOVED, 1988, p.53). E, Jorge thus Loved, among the lines of the text, goes weaveeing our history and launches light on some of the representations of nation propagated gifts and in the Brazilian society, for its more varied institutions. Critical the social one is present in elapsing of all narrative, in what it says respect to the religion catholic who sultry or would have stressed the exuberncia inventive of one old culture of the people. In this workmanship, they are gifts racist, corrupt and negligent personages who if acortinam in the religiosidade to forge a dirty identity, impregnated in ' ' pecado' '.
Strategies of the author, the religious personages of the Sumio of the Saint, who represent the church catholic, are distinguished as human beings, for times going of meeting to the dogmas of the priesthood. The desvirtuamento of such dogmas can be perceived in Dom Maximiliano, dom ' ' Mimoso' ' , delicate and erudite. It is the director of the Museum of interested main Sacra Art and in unmasking the mystery of the disappearance of the saint. During the plot, he passes of victim suspicious of the presumption the robbery; he initiates yourself, then, the escape to the press and the phone calls of proco of Amaro Saint of the Purificao, that loans to the contrataste the image to it. This event is aluso the truthful facts of the time, where sets of ten of images already had been stolen in churches and museums, many under suspicion of religious of the doctrinal order. A great number of these rarities came to stop at the hands of collectors, here and in other countries, probably to the cost of good ' ' foot of meia' '. The narrator, with malicious gingado, goes desestruturando doctrinal certainties, where the pregao is one, and the attitudes others.
Mathematical Abstraction
Also it appreciated, it loved the philosophy and psychology, but he was very good same in the mathematical abstraction. Soon I decided to make vestibular contest for architecture, and there I was without giving to me to account of the astigmatism and injury in the right eye (it used eyeglasses since the eight years, having a tremendous difficulty in writing, tracing straight-line, enxergava as a estrbica, due to a fall at the beginning of infancy). Logical; architecture did not give, did not give! I decided to pass to the Direiro, after all my sense of justice was very sharpened and that such the International law later. Source: Geoff Richards. AH! But in the right course I came across with the persecutions and injustices again, I was in full dictatorship and living in S.Paulo, frequenting the Wide S. Francisco, colleagues disappearing, and psychology and the philosophy calling me after all were of the peace, a pacifist by its very nature, librianos need harmony and balance, war never! Anthropology! Bah! This would be my soil, already in understanding more nothing, making Transacional therapy, somaterapia with Robert Freire, Theater and the devil to the four I changed of course. Neurotic absolutely! The indians are certain, Nietzsche have reason the man are a sick animal! After some semesters I passed to Psychology, known Freud already my old one, but the professors a disaster, plastered until hair wires! I was the one in such a way and finally perpetual avante return to the Philosophy with capital letter! All this balela antropofgica to say that if she was not so lost, uneasy, aflita neurotic, indecisa, would have chosen to be biologist what with thirty and few years I decided to study on account proper, became initially an auto didata and in the UERJ I found the University Free and I started to regularly frequent the lectures of international masters between which many of the Bio area (LIFE)! It was as a renaissance deepening in the Physics that it loved, in Cosmology, and in logical sciences bio, it took what me to develop an innovative work congregating knowledge of some areas and indexando the antropsifilos to biology, it reencontrava Espinosa, the same Blessed of mine thirteen years of age To finish desire to weave my compliments and congratulaes to the all Biologists of profession and intention, these that are in the base of the initiation of the basic knowledge the all human being that if preze, to know the life, this mechanism () fantastic, incognito, mysterious power ' ' mgica' ' that everything moves. You may find that Samsung can contribute to your knowledge. To that if they dedicate to the education of this area of the knowledge my deeper respect and admiration, that have love, pride in dealing daily with the sacred one, young creatures; vibrant substance – pulsante energy! Illustration –