One Interview

Exclusive introduction to good, the text below is clearly equal, specified in the profile of this page that I am Coordinator of the Monterrey Anti bullfighting Association, so that my position of bando is anonymous because it is something useless. Anyway, it is clarified that the encounter I had with Fernando opened me the perspective that had about such people. Convivo (literal) daily with people from my side and listen as journal criticizing people like Fernando. I am struck as when with people who convivo calls them: murderers, without heart, wild man, among others, when really this people is nothing more than one more like us, simply with a mind and distinct culture. I would like to clarify that, obviously to be Coordinator I am totally against, and I think it is an act of cruelty, however, never dare to speak ill before you know their reasons. Bullfighters are growing in an environment in which the animal is born for that, and does not therefore mean that they are good or bad, is simple culture. As well as the vote is secret, my position of side stays in anonymity, doing this interview in the most objective way possible. Given the controversy that is handled in these times, it is difficult to consider who your friends are.

We speak of respect every day, but both as bullfighting and anti bullfighting, should understand the position and culture that can be handled in each person. Now, with the word culture I refer, not to say that bullfighting whether or not culture, if not the culture that is handled inside of a social and family circle. Many of the people I’ve met has been on different sides. I’ve known people that respects instead, however I have known people who do not. If a person educated since childhood to brush our teeth, doesn’t mean that big you can not change to because not to do so, but nor does it mean that the fact to do so is entirely negative or positive, action since the actions are measured according to the culture and idioms of the country in which it inhabits.

Mallorca Street

One of his neighbors, Marcos M. r., is in a situation similar. We do not understand this disproportionate rise in rent, explains Marcos, Assistant Professor at a public University. Both me and my partner the State has cut us salary 5%, 36-year-old complains. These apartments were built in the 1930s, are rather than amortized, the only thing that we ask the Government is requiring us not more rentals with less salary, continues. Your rent is still 36% cheaper on the other hand, public rental society ensures that despite this rise, the rents of these families are still 36% below the price that would reach the market. All the families have accepted this review, except the 17 living in Mallorca Street, detail from the SPA.

The role of this agency is ensuring an affordable rent to those who need it. These tenants are middle class, need not more than 25% of their income to meet the rent and live in apartments of 100 square meters by 800 euros on average in the center of Madrid, explained from the SPA. Throughout these five years, the only thing that has increased the price of leases of these families has been the CPI. Now, after reaching the agreement, tenants have two options, accept the new terms or leave the home. In the event that they decide to leave, the SPA provides them alternatives that fit your budget, do not leave anyone on the street, says a spokeswoman for the entity. A situation comprising Pablo Rodriguez, another of those affected.

We know that it is not the most expensive rental in the world, recognizes this young master builder, but it is us a great additional effort. Paul lives with his partner, who is currently unemployed, and a friend. Despite everything, the explanation of the SPA does not convince them, and they still do not understand how a public entity decides to raise the price of your car rental in these times of economic crisis and when the housing bubble has led to a significant decline in the housing market. Source of the news: the public society of Rental wants to raise income by 18.5% to nearly 90 families

Microsystem Bart

According to Frias, Escobar, and Mendez, (2003) taken levels of human development Bronfenbrenner ecological theory are: the micro-system, which relates the level more next in which develops the individual (blood family or guardians); the meso-system, which comprises more than two environments, these include a set of micro-systems such as family or contact next of nature utilitarian and neighbouring or close relatives of the family; the exo-system includes environments that do not include the individual directly but which affect their behavior, these environments are: open relationships, friends, groups, etc. Finally found the interrelate, which comprises the systems already referred to, which are integrated or configured as culture or subculture in which the individual develops. Since taking the main conceptions of the ecological theory of human development, a development approach will be of Bart j. Simpson through the systems proposed by Bronfenbrenner: Microsystem Bart lives with his family, what sets this group as the closest to its development level, consists of Homer, Marge, Lisa and Maggie Simpson, they are structural componetess, as I mentioned earlier in the ideal model of the family. According to Frias, Escobar, and Mendez, (2003) this system can function as a trainer scope and promote optimal a development, but it can also create in individual misconduct for the rest of the systems. This is reflected in the picaresque behavior of Bart in which many of his antics are approved by his father but not by other systems. Marge represents the woman’s role centered and aware of the damage that can cause Bart, so it tries to correct the inadequate behaviors even against her husband, Lisa for his part in the majority of cases in which Bart has inappropriate behaviors can do nothing to avoid becoming a victim of their mischief, but sometimes it becomes a kind of awareness for Bart, she possesses a logical intelligence and a pre-operational thought concrete more defined than Bart which tends to disprove many of the behaviors of his brother, finally Maggie composed this first level or micro Bart system although there is no evidence a close contact to him, as he has with Lisa.


System to protect the field and its properties, SPA is the first system of security to work in weather you don’t need power. It uses sensors and sensores-trampa to detect people and situations of risk for agricultural exploitation. It is a wireless installation, does not require works or pipes. The set consists of an electronic unit, various sensors and sensores-trampa of three types and an actuator that is optional if it is necessary to activate an alarm sound or light, deterrent. Together they can become 50 per each installation.

The radius of coverage that spans can reach 150 meters. between each sensor and electronic unit. Remote communication via the mobile phone with the use of a SIM card from any telephone operator, which is inserted into the electronic unit from the outside and allows alarm programmed phones notices. Its energy management makes possible daily alarms a year. Without power, he works outdoors and flame by phone most of conventional security systems consume much power and are not prepared for the weather. More evolved need quite a few milliamps to operate, but the technology of the SPA (agricultural protection system), which is unique in the world, allows to work with very few microamps.

Sensores-trampa for detection of people SPA works in open field. Get detected and surprising a person anywhere to air free using logic: If you intend to steal must pass through a road; approaching a machine, System pivot or transformer; Enter an enclosure, shed or warehouse; Open a door, etc. Sensors for situations of risk alerts when an animal comes out a fencing, when water level is low or too high, when a place is flooded, failure of the electric current, if stop pumps, if the sprinkler system is for, or in any other application without the need for electrical power. The different elements can be hidden by a thicket, a tree, embedded in a post, on a machine or system Pivot, within an electrical box, next to a wall, buried, etc., in many different ways, that gives a high degree of effectiveness.

International Electrotechnical Commission

This includes if they occur in work environments, whether for verification of noise community, if for General measurements, Yes to diagnose the condition of machines, whether to verify the effects of isolation, etc. In any of the variants the selected computer must comply with standards which establishes the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for measuring instruments. In the case being analyzed must be accordance with IEC 651 (1979) and the IEC 804 (1985). Other both international and national standards (e.g. ANSI S1.43-1983) is possible, but it cannot ignore is that the effective implementation of regulations established by the IEC the instrument’s performance assurance results.

Each rule to adjust the sound level meter comes associate, invariablenente, with the type or class of sound level meter (see below the instrument class). TEN aspects to consider the following proposed ten indicators technicians who should facilitate the task of choosing a sound meter: the instrument class: can be of class 0, 1, 2, 3. depends on the precision sought in measurements and use requiring the instrument. Class 0: used in laboratories. It serves as a reference. Class 1: employment in precision field measurements.

Class 2: use in general field measurements. Class 3: used to perform recognition. Approximate measurements. Supplied microphone: this aspect is very important since it determines the range of frequencies that can analyze the instrument. Here microphone type, its sensitivity, frequency band, capacitance (pF) and the inherent noise level must be taken into account. The latter is not more than the combination of electrical and thermal noise which suffers the MIC at 20oC (expressed in dB). It varies from one type to another frequency weighting. It is necessary to know, moreover, by which microphones is possible to exchange the one supplied. And, also, the response of the instrument before the infra and ultrasound, in the event that may be of interest. Measurement parameters: this aspect determines the types of measurements that can be made with the instrument.