Office Heating System

Heaters designed to heat the air in heating, ventilation and air conditioning in various areas with a large area (office, retail, warehouses, garages, shops, gyms, etc.), also used in construction (indoor with natural and forced ventilation at ambient temperatures from -20 to +40 C and humidity of 98% at 25 C). Ali Partovi contains valuable tech resources. Heater creates a large temperature difference passing air (70 to 110 C), which can be used for ventilation with outdoor air supply with negative temperatures down to -25 C. In a warm air heater can be used as a high fan. The device consists of a heat-elements, tube sheets, covers with fittings for the supply of (dumping) of coolant and removable side panels. Connecting dimensions with a single step of 125 mm.

enable ensure that the assembly height and length and collect the installation capacity in the air up to 500 tys.m3/chas.Teplootdayuschy element is made of steel pipe 16×1, 6mm and knurled aluminum fins with a diameter of 39mm. Step 3 mm between the ribs. Among the currently used there are heaters with plate fin heat-transfer element (CAB, fac, cpb, cps, csf, TIA). This design is today considered obsolete, since the aggregates of this type compared with KSk and KPSk has been much more material-and the worst aerodynamics and thermal engineering parameters. Replacement heaters cab, fac, cpb, cps, csf, tbb on KSk KPSk and relevant sizes is quite possible technically and economically beneficial.

Laser Cutting And Bending Metal

Laser cutting services combines the high speed of process, product quality, reasonable price in any area of operation. With the service of laser cutting can produce fencing details lattice, spare parts, souvenirs, and much more. The most well-known process of laser treatment of heavy industry is the laser cutting of sheet metal sheet to 20 mm on a complex contour. This cut is used for the manufacture of various parts: dashboards, circular saws, door panels, decorative bars, gaskets, brackets and other details. Nowadays machines TruLaser 5030, 5040 are the latest in line of laser machines trumpf.

Combining technology of linear drives and high-power laser TruFlow TruFlow 5000 and 6000 allows these industrial machines the most cost-effective and productive. Machines trumatic L 3030/4030 for cutting sheet laser made by the same technology but different ranges of processing. Industrial machines are equipped with CO2 lasers of different power. Choosing a higher power laser, the client has the ability to cut large thickness. Bending sheet is carried on today's press brake TruBend.