Capitalist System

The Capitalism had its point of higher ascension in the end of century XIX and beginning of century XX; where this new position of the politics capitalist gave to a new and signifacitivo route the life of the world-wide workers, nailing a speech of that from that new matrix the wage-earners would have freedom to vender its force of work. It did not need much time all to understand that this speech did not pass of utopian and deceptive words, since the measure that the capital fixed the price to be paid, so emphasized freedom showed limited and less next to the workers, constituting one of them wilder pillars of the capitalist world: Domination and exploration of the man power. (slavery for that they had been so fascinated with the recent structure of work). its consolidation represented a landmark stops of the beginning to the moment of maximum dither of the work, creating a representative atmosphere of the deity of the work for the humanity; these elements alone exhaustingly had been revenciados because the myth was nailed very of that this activity needed to be spread out and accepted socially. Learn more at this site: Viacom. Ones of the periods most promising of the Capitalist System had been during the Great Wars; U.S.A. ahead sobressaiu of the too much economies of the world, explicitando its superiority in such a way obtained allies in the New how much in the Old World. Comode custom had an opponent to this exarcebada North American ambition, the Soviet Union (group of small European countries), that it started to constitute the representative of the socialist model, disputing in such a way the rank of better economic model next to great American nation, this if later gave in relation the territory and the space ones. The structural, technological and economic changes that had marked this new world-wide order had been endorsed in some sufficiently peculiar characteristics, amongst these are: the globalization of the economy, the transnationalization of the structures of being able and the reetruturao of the work.

Living With Guilt

Sometimes the love people decide 'Better me than you', 'I will follow you', is a sense of guilt (actually your fault for the death of her grandmother – not), that is not said, has not approached once again, did not call … Learn more at this site: Viacom. If you want to 'let go' grandmother at the sky and live, taking with respect and life and death – go. Get all the facts and insights with Viacom, another great source of information. With a psychologist to do it environmentally friendly. ANSWER: Shenderova Elena MoskvZdravstvuyte psychologist, Kate! Often the loss of a significant person for us is undoubtedly a stressful situation, it experiencing grief and loss, but the psyche of all people react differently to this loss, someone is going through, and crying, can not do anything, but that happens and this does not seem to hard (of course there is loss of consciousness), but in life generally (and No tantrums, and somehow quietly), but still our minds gradually rethinks the situation has occurred in your case, and that's why you can not sleep, that is, Your mind is still working and busy, but here let out and to work independently You can not just your mind and you and cares, not just releasing this information because you can not cope on their own or frighten their reaction and their feelings, yet not all save in myself and just for that and there are psychologists, a person in whom to confide, who will take your feelings and emotions, help them understand and cope with them, simple and easy, even the one who is no longer close, but leaving sense of security and release this man is quite possible that a better place than our life here! Think what would have wished your grandmother being there for you HERE? do not hoard all of himself, the voice, he said, can write her a letter – it is still there and if we remember the man, he is always with us and helps us survive all the hardships and difficulties, feeling the strength and safety! If you decide – you can feel free to contact me, please call – I will glad to help you! For information about psychologists mentioned in this article, you can see on the website.

The System

Carries them inward (from the outside, the inner world) and it adds to the picture. A related site: mentions similar findings. Sooner or later, these puzzles piled up, and shows a picture of the inner world, corresponding to the outside. And even then, the Based on this, build a picture of the world, formed an idea of himself – who "I". There is a connection between two worlds, in some ways similar to each other. And connects the worlds consciousness. . Then begins a conscious life rights in these two worlds. The soul, as embodied in a physical body, came into the world and interacts with it through the consciousness. The soul creates, using the physical body as a tool controlled by consciousness. For even more details, read what Bryant Walker Smith says on the issue.

We will not give definitions of what is what. The only note to myself that the mind can be considered as a way of human interaction with the world (or worlds) and the perception of oneself in it. The effectiveness of a person's life is largely determined by so far as he knows and owns the existing rules in the world. On the concept of our world can be approached from the perspective of the systemic, systematic approach. This is also a hypothesis. For any system characterized by a desire to preserve its integrity, to maintain equilibrium. If there is an influence on the system, deducing it from the equilibrium state, a threat to the preservation of its integrity, and therefore a threat to existence. The system responds accordingly. If exposure occurred outside, the whole system in motion, rearranging to regain equilibrium.

The System

We acted more for the heart; today, more for what the system ' ' roboticamente' ' it imposes in them. One ' ' good dia' ' that you can give simply either for perhaps pure and question of formality and not for the sincere and necessary desire of that somebody has, of fact, one day pleasant. The value of the words, therefore, is lost currently and is amazing as somebody sings one ' ' bundalel' ' ' ' orgia' ' without, to the times, not even to have the comparative idea between these words so that it has a more critical positioning or same unconformist when relates to the practical vulgarity of the sexual one. ' ' Orgia' ' , for example, &#039 is relative; ' devasso' ' that it wants to say ' ' to vulgarize-se' ' , ' ' to generalize-se' ' , ' ' to become comum' '. A vulgar sex involves more than two people here and everything can happen, also the possibility of the presence of illnesses as AIDS, gonorreia, sfilis, genital Herpes, Tricomonase, genital Pediculose, amebase, ' ' Linfogranuloma venreo' ' (let us reflect more on these and plus other innumerable sexually transmissible illnesses) and the HPV. ours! This is the root cause of cancer in the woman there and, in relation to the man, to only lean the skin in the other of that it possesss the virus already it would be enough stops to catch it, of irreversible form, and it still provokes the cancer in the penis. What it could seem utopia starts to have a flavor of more reality for the promiscuous form that acquired &#039 currently; ' ficar' ' in our way. I coexisted, in my environment of work, with palestrantes nurses who had supplied a little to me of constructive clarification on the sexually transmissible illnesses, as well as some contgios and its consequncias in our body; lectures these that would have to be part of ' ' basket bsica' ' of our day the day, mainly with this wave of ' ' baladas' '.

Bard System

Subsequent works demonstrate that to the theories proposals since the times of James, Lange, Canon and Bard, have its mritos, therefore in the prediction of the theory of Cannon, although the fear and the anger to have different answers estam associates for having distinguveis physiological answers, although to activate Sistema Neurovegetativo (SNV). In studies with adult men with injury in the marrow, it found reductions told in the emotional experiences, this result can be used to reviver the theory of James (BEAR, 2002). The term lmbico system was popularido in the year of 1952, for the American fisiologista Paul MacLean. In the half of century XIX and beginning of century XX, the relations between the body and the mind had started to be investigated by the Philosophy, Psychology, the Psychoanalysis and Biology, where the interest came back toward the related cognitivos processes to the mental processes, connected the memory, reasoning and learning (IT HISSES, 2010). With the development of new techniques of research in neurofisiologia and neuroimagem, it was more interesting the neural studies in the processes of the emotions in the Lmbico System, as well as in the recognition of the areas related to the process of the cognition, motivation and memory.

According to author HISSES (2010, p.387) ' ' ademais, the emotions generally are folloied by autonmicas, endcrinas answers and motor esquelticas, that depend on subcorticais areas of the Nervous System, which prepare the body for ao.' ' 2. NEUROANATOMIA AND NEUROFISIOLOGIA OF SYSTEM LMBICO the lmbico system is formed by pertaining structures the cortical and subcortical region, by some nervous nuclei and nervous connections that establish connection the structures; repeating the same hipotalmicas functions with the difference of the same ones to be more elaborated e, to suffer action from neocrtex. The French neurologist Paul Drill, published an article in the year of 1878, where it assigned that the collection of found cortical areas in the medial surface of the brain, as being lmbico system, therefore they around form an edge of the enceflico trunk.