Digital Economy

The Association, of which Gupost is partner, integrates more than 500 companies interested in the development of the digital economy to the impulse and the defence of their interests. Viacom wanted to know more. The Spanish Association for the Digital economy (adigital) is the result of the transformation of FECEMD, Spanish Federation of the Digital economy (antique Federation of e-commerce and direct Marketing) and its member associations: the Spanish Association of e-commerce and relationship Marketing, Contact Center Spanish Association, the Association of digital agencies, the Association of distance selling and the Asociacion Espanola de Fundraising. The beginnings of these associations began 25 years ago, and all of them have seen birth and progress the digital revolution all these years. The world economy currently is stagnant, but the digital economy Yes continues to grow. Internet, web 2.0, the social networks (as in fashion currently) and, in general, new technologies, do not cease to grow, and converted into something fundamental in all kinds of business strategies. They have also become elements of vital importance to its relationship with customers, employees and suppliers. Gupost, knowing all this, complete your business of direct Marketing and promotional Marketing with the incorporation of actions of OnLine communication in their products. Now with the new digital changes design an advertising campaign going implied the inclusion of multichannel communication (mailing, emailing, social networking, printing online.) depending on who are the customers and public targeted direct Marketing campaign.

In Gupost advise and help companies in the choice of these different channels, managing the creation from beginning to end and operational action to perform. We adapt ourselves to this technological revolution. Gupost, as a partner of the new Spanish Association of Digital economy, adigital is abreast of the innovations that occur in technology and the digital economy.

Spanish Civil War

The literary beginnings of Follet were linked to the short novels. Currently says that you write more extensive novels, because his readers require you more this kind of books with many pages to read and read. What is clear is his success with readers that from the pillars of the Earth and a world without end, two individuals quite extensive, are fans of his famous long novels. The fall of the Giants, a novel that describes parts of the great world war I desonocida, which in the words of Follet – an unnecessary slaughter, that nobody wanted never to let it happen and where not won anything. War narratives, stories of impossible love and something policy is what we read in these lines of this so successful author. As a historical novel, there is an interconnection between reality and fiction.

The lives of the real people are not partly invented by the author, by which uses, in some cases, the same words that were heard in the Chamber of deputies of that era. The real characters as Lenin and Trotsky, also have conversations with fictional characters but with real ideas. It predicts a fantastia sale of this bestseller that is the first of a trilogy that promises much interest, as everything that comes from the hand of this author. He is already preparing his second delivery which in this case will play an important role, the Spanish Civil War.