Steel Structures

According to NPB 236-97, fire protection of metal is a surface treatment of metal structures with special fire retardant materials that inhibit heating of the metal and as a consequence, prevent its deformation during a fire. Michele Glaze is open to suggestions. In today's market there are many fire-proof materials materials intended for fire protection of steel structures, but the most widely-used and still are fire-retardant paints and Plastering retardants. We consider each of them. Fire-retardant paint. One of the most modern and relevant today form the material for fire protection of metal.

The action of fire retardant paint is based on intumescent effect. When reaching high temperatures, fire-retardant paint swells, forming an insulating foam layer. Fire-retardant paint is a type of thin-film coatings, the middle layer of this coating is 1-1.5 mm. and the average flow rate of 1.8-2.0 kg. The paint can withstand mechanical stress, vibration, and does not alter the configuration of the treated structure. Plus is the way of application, paint can be applied even brush or roller.

Disadvantages include only the high cost and inability to use the colors when necessary to ensure a high fire resistance. Plaster flame retardant. Given type of material applied to the metal surface with a thick layer of plaster with the help of machines. Manual application is not allowed. Coating can not withstand mechanical stress and is recommended for use only in cases where the processed metal "sutured" decorative materials. The disadvantage is the amount of raw material, which is an average of 5.10 kg. per 1 square meter, which increases the costs of the application and creates additional burden on the metal. With some flame retardants are necessary to carry out reinforcement. On the one hand it is a big plus, because in reinforcing the coating becomes more Hard on the other, it greatly complicates the process of application, as fastening to metal reinforcing mesh made by welding. The advantage of using plaster retardants is their value, they are significantly cheaper fireproof paint. It should also be noted that the use of this method of fire protection can be achieved any fire rating.

Straight Tread

Twice the height of risers and width b tread a must be equal to the average person step – 2b + a = 57-64 cm is sometimes used by more than a simple calculation, the amount by which the size of the width of the treads and risers of height c must be equal to 45 cm (30 +15, 27 +18, 25 +20), ie c = a + b = 45-46 cm stairs with his hands, made on such a calculation is considered the most secure, and the formula, of course, by security. Many are so-called formula of facilities, ab = 12 cm in practice to sustain this relationship in the real world is not always possible. But we should at least strive for perfection. Let's count? To select the width Tread use an example. When descending the stairs adult puts his foot so that the toe hangs over the rounded front part of the tread. If the overhang is small, the level considered safe and what is level, the higher the risk of slipping off her. In practice, it is clear that the width of the tread are best taken within 28-30 cm, but not menee25.

The height of the risers to make better ot14 to 17 cm but not exceeding 20 cm If you do not allow for the size in terms of increase the width of the stage, deceive the situation – set-depth risers, ie increase the overhang above the stair risers. In some cases you can do without risers. The open space under the stairs, and in this case would not be necessary in a flight of stairs from the bottom sheet set. Contact information is here: Pete Cashmore. Although, in this version will trim level and still below (sanding, painting). In stairways with zabezhnymi steps in turning part for convenience Use and safety of her step width in the middle of the march should be equal to the width of the straight steps.

Robust Logs

Log home living in harmony with the seasons. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Ali Partovi has to say. For example, believed that before the onset of winter in a large house stands out even a few cubes of water. Samsung Electronics can aid you in your search for knowledge. We should carefully consider the protection of logs and try to find the suitable coating, or navigate the wide selection of different colors or preservatives. And what is covered log house? Or no paint! Anyone who wants to expose their log house to the natural bloom, leave it without the cover. However, the gradual transformation of the hoary old lasts at least 10-20 years. The surface is and will remain dozens, maybe even hundreds of years. In choosing the traditional antiquity, however, there is one big 'but'.

In case of insufficient length of the gutter is less than 90-120 cm, the logs are a variety of harmful stress. The logs are graying caused by UV radiation of the sun, and in particular the damaging effects of moisture. That moisture causes the most problems. It leads to swelling and drying shrinkage to return, logs and take the stress crack. In addition, moisture creates an excellent foundation for the emergence of fungi mildew, rot and blue so antiseptic used for lumber. The need to protect the logs on the coast and increases the spacious fields, where the characteristic horizontal rain. Is also important aspect of light, such as loading from the sun on the south side five times the effect of sunlight on the north side of the building.

Water vapor transmission – is the motto in the selection area! The proposed option for reliable protection of timber wealth. Importantly first of all to pick up materials that, ideally, absorb moisture and inside and outside, or at least pass water vapor from inside the tree. Dense paint covers the walls inside the moisture and leads to destruction of the structure. While most manufacturers to protect the logs from the blue already in the factory, the concept of protection is the padding, and then topcoat.

Structural Wood

Antiseptic – a key means of protection of wood. Logs and planks of wood freshly cut – an excellent environment for the spread of blue stain, which affects most of the construction of such material. Antiseptics for wood – created for the protection of such misfortunes. Wood protection from moisture penetration difficulties parasites and harmful bacteria in the logs and planks contribute substances contained in liquids and antiseptics – Biosecurity for the tree. Diluted in water, antiseptic, treats fully impregnate the wood substance, then it has excellent protection from blue for up to 7 months (depending on the brand and manufacturer).

Before you process the material substance, it must be carefully examined. If traces of pests, this is the place to immediately handle the specialized staff, which is directed against beetles. The construction can begin only after the examination boards and logs. But protection of the material does not stop there. To handle absolutely all the wooden structures, ladders, doors, window sills.

Part of the building located in the vicinity of the soil or in soil, yield the greatest adverse effects. For this kind of wooden parts must use the most persistent antiseptic. Protecting wood from the fire when all the elements building protected from moisture, it is necessary to think about protection from fire. Mostly a nightmare for the owners of the houses is a fire, as a matter of minutes burns that kopilos and built for years, and has been put in a lot of money. Protection of wood to be used in the construction of the building, must necessarily involve the processing of flame retardants. For material that is under the greatest exposure to high temperatures used fire wood impregnation with the highest level of protection. For the remaining logs and planks will fit the usual way. Protective and decorative wood processing wood protection coatings performed different types, which may have additional fire and Bioprotective function. The shape of the structure can be changed by means of protective and decorative. It all depends on your imagination, can turn into a pine nut, oak or beech. Any such structure, creating on the surface of wood, water-repellent film, the protection of the tree increases, the negative factors of the climatic conditions are reduced. Another use of these compounds increases the resistance solar radiation and protects against severe temperature changes. In that case, if the tree is the main material for construction, agents for its treatment should be as environmentally friendly. Otherwise you'll spoil very high ecological wood. For staining, can also cause even a careful treatment of the material. To eliminate such stains, use special compounds that have the ability to brighten or darken the wood. About medicinal substances that reduce the area of damage of the material – and do not forget.