DevOps: software architecture at the interface between development and operation of Leipzig, September 2013: its architecture is the key success factor of each major software system. You determined, among other things, whether the requirements placed on a system, which cost the system can be developed, as fails the maintainability and adaptability, which costs for the development and operation of the system. Inside and outside of the company there are many stakeholders who formulate demands on the system and its architecture. DevOps: software architecture is the focus of the 6 meeting of the user group software architecture at the interface between development and operations. The meeting will take place on November 6-7, 2013 in Leipzig. The lectures: Dr.
Patrick Peschlow (codecentric AG): DevOps: development, operations… and software architecture? Uwe Hantzsche (Capgemini Germany GmbH): Central service as a bridge between development and operations Peter Bohm (Barmenia insurance) a.G.): Kunlaboro operating DevOps Barmenia insurance Sonke Reimer (b + m Informatik AG): Objectoriented monitoring for the operation of group discussion moderated by Prof. Dr. hate Elbe ring: discussion of current challenges in software architecture short introduction to ongoing projects from the participants learn more about this user group: goto/sar is the key success factor of each major software system architecture. You determined, among other things, whether the requirements placed on a system, which cost the system can be developed, as fails the maintainability and adaptability, which costs for the development and operation of the system. The working meetings (two meetings per year atwo days) experiences are exchanged and best practices identified.
Participants are particularly head architecture, software architects, system architects, solution architects. The specific contents of the bi-annual workshops are in vote set with the participants. Contact person: software forums Leipzig GmbH Street 16. 04103 Leipzig Manuela Heinze officer network and event T + 49 341 98988-422 via the software forums Leipzig the software forums of Leipzig, a spin-off from the University of Leipzig, build an interdisciplinary network, facilitating the transfer of knowledge and the professional exchange between business and science, to promote and to support. In close cooperation with renowned universities and research institutions offer modern know-how for the development of software in various event formats, report on results from the international research scene and show best practices. Is aimed at technical and senior management moderated Exchange in the industry and promoted.