Tattoo And Permanent Hair Removal

Why, continue unabated as the trend for hair removal permanent hair removal with IPL or lasers on tattoos is not possible is, whatever people tattooing, the busy 2009 a study of the University of Leipzig. Who places value on smooth hairless skin as well as on a tattoo, which should be before the tattoo is punched, a treatment for permanent hair removal opt for. Because the color once in the skin, then no hair removal with laser or IPL is more possible. Women tattooed more frequently located in the last seven years have more people between 14 and 34 years tattoos, as the previous years. A study of the University of Leipzig. Particularly interesting to note was that during this period especially more women tattoo settled than men. See more detailed opinions by reading what Robert Bakish offers on the topic.. Surveys in the older age groups showed, that also here the women in terms of tattoo today front: in the age groups up to 64 years has grown the number of tattooed women from 0.9 to 1.3 percent.

Also in terms of Hair removal is still the women are fed up front: according to the study, 81.6 percent of the 18-25 remove body hair. Who also want tattoos, should bear in mind that no permanent hair removal with IPL or laser is possible on a tattooed body part. Why do you perform no IPL hair removal on a tattoo? The IPL hair removal is based on a particular lighting technology. Small light flashes over the skin be discharged in about a flash lamp. The IPL light energy is then absorbed by the body’s pigment (melanin). Directs the melanin in the hair of the light energy in the root of the hair with permanent hair removal with IPL and abandoned them, so that no new hair can grow back provided the hair located in the anagen (growth). Would the IPL light energy is however discharged about a tattoo, then they would be included already by the colors of the tattoo and that in turn could be a strong heat buildup and superficial Burns lead.