The German

Geonmicas research, as of Pablo M.L. of Menezes and Claude J.B. Dos Santos, discloses the importance of if making this study, observing that it allows in such a way to understand the historical formation of a locality as its relations of being able, as in the case of Mossor-RN, where the Pink family dominates the local politics calling the streets of the city with its last name, remaining itself idealized in the social memory, the same thing occurs in the pernambucano hinterland (2006). The adopted theory generates quarrels in the Europe and the United States. It appeared as an alternative to the positivista and marxist historiografia. Of this form partner-cultural history uses knowledge of areas as the cultural anthropology, in its estruturalista base, conciliating with marxist concepts as the fight of classrooms applied the cultural level. The American Marshall Sahlins believed to be necessary another culture to understand a culture, (the 2006) what he takes in them to think that to search its proper identity alone can result in one fiasco, but proper Sahlins admits that the past is another culture, therefore is possible to be impartial with its familiar history. It analyzes it of Ginzburg in ' ' The cheese and vermes' ' , it is based on inquisitoriais documents, in contrast of this work, memorialista.

Using indications it is possible to lead the research as a police inquiry, but each new source increases given and modifies the understanding significantly. One forms expression narrative can lose the monographic objective, strong dissertativo. Little theoretical quarrel was used, but they are the fruits of an exhausting analysis there, almost a dense description in the style of Geertz. The German daily history defended by Medick, that it looks to rescue the individual forgotten for social history was attacked by Kocka for who it limits the analysis capacity and it lacks of methodology.