United States: National System

On the basis of the data of the National System of I register in cadastre Agricultural between November of 2007 and May of 2008, the press calculated that, per day, 12 kilometers squared of our territory pass legally for the hands of people of other nationalities. These data take in account only the proprietors who if declare foreigners; they are of it are the national companies of foreign capital e, is clearly, who if valley of ' ' laranjas' ' to buy a land. It sees what it says internautas on the subject: ' ' It arrives, already we are tired to hear this history of the ONGS that do not allow that the Brazilians enter in part of the Amazonian State I want an attitude of the authorities already on the subject.Brazil goes to be lying in splendid cradle attending the Americans and Europeans to take the forest and do not go to make nothing? We have that to take an attitude. If she will be necessary use the force to deport these foreigners. As well as they make with the Brazilians in the airports of Spain, England, United States, Portugal and etc.

26-05-2008. Since 2006 and under cloths, a Swedish entrepreneur comes blowing in the ear of international partners a sufficiently showy idea: to buy lands and more lands in the Amaznia. According to a report of the Brazilian Agency of Intelligence (Abin) disclosed for the periodical the Globe, Johan Eliasch? consultant of the English first-minister Gordon Brown? he spread for the foreign empresariado one that ' ' only US$ would be necessary 50 billion to acquire all floresta' '. Although not to be clarified, the intentions of the Swedish arrepiaram much people this way. Eliasch is co-founder of the ONG Cool Earth, that since the last year integrates listinha black of the Ministry of Justice, for suspicion of irregularities in the Amazon region. Source: site the echo, 2008. Messenger Periodical. In day 24/5 the periodical ' ' Estado' ' it published without prominence none, and in three very small lines, the most serious denunciation of a resident Brazilian in U.S.A. ' ' The books of geography of there, are showing the map of amputated Brazil, without Amazon and the Pantanal. They are teaching in the schools, that these areas are international, that is, in other words, them are preparing the public opinion of them, for inside of some years if taking possetion of our territory with legitimacy. We we are Brazilian e, in the m